Forgiveness Is For The Weak

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Present Day

"Iris! I told you two times already don't make me say it again!" Donovan screamed as he pushed off the guestbook off the counter, he obviously was drunk off his ass.

"Donovan I'm your mother! Call me mom" Iris cried.

"I know you keep reminding me that" Donovan hissed as he picked up his mess he had made. As he continued to yell at his mom a woman walked into the Cortez. She had long silk black straight hair that stopped at the back of her knees. Her smile was so warm and gentle and her lips were rosy red. She stopped Donovan right in his tracks he just stood there stared at her beauty. She reached towards her purse when she got to the check in counter.

"I need a room, please"

"Of course! Room 23 is free that will be 10 dollars a night. How long?" Iris spoke as she fixed her messed up glasses trying to ignore her son. "Here's a hundred and forty. I plan on staying a while if you do not mind" she smiled.

Iris smiled at the money, and put it in the safe and gave the beauty the key to her room.

"Hi I'm Donovan" He gestured towards her, and reached for her hand.

"Hello it's nice to meet you. But i'm sadly on a time schedule so I must be going now." She smiled as she walked towards the elevator, when she turned to Donovan once she was in the elevator she smiled once more and waved then the doors shut.

"I need to Know her" Donovan whispered to himself.

"Didn't you just get out of a very long relationship?" Iris snarled back as she sorted through the money dispose. 'Yeah and your point is? And she has already moved on remember. Maybe it's finally my chance to actually fall in love with a kind, loving soul."

"you don't even know her, how can you tell?"



It's been three weeks since Elizabeth has introduced herself to me in my apartment. I soon realized that she was very fashionable for her time. She told me about her short time when she was an extra in feature with this really attractive Valentino guy, I wasn't a big fan of myself but she seemed like she was really in love with him. There was something special about Elizabeth I thought, she seemed so elegant, and enchanting.

"We need to certainly do something with the darling hair" Elizabeth smiled as she played with my hair, from the mirror I glanced at her smile.

"So tell me, Where's Valentino now?" I asked looking at her amazing supply of lipstick. Her smile faded away, as she ran her fingers through my hair I could see a tear fall down her cheek, "I was suppose to run off with him, live happily ever after but sadly he stood me up at the train station" she scratched out.

"Oh..I'm so sorry"

"It's fine, I'ts in the past" she said as she placed a smile back on her face.

"Honey!" A familiar voice appeared. "I'm in here darling, we all have to move on eventually. And i certainly have" she gestured towards the man. I glanced up and that's when shock covered my face I mouthed 'James' I could tell he was as much surprised as I was.

"Elizabeth I have to go, I have a date of my own too. He's quite a catch um goodbye" I spoke as i walked passed James.

"Okay, darling. Come again" Elizabeth gestured a kiss I smiled at her and pretended to catch it.

When I closed the door, I fell to the floor and busted out crying. My heart was broken, completely. I heard the door knob wiggle and that's when i got up, it was James. I saw tears on his face, "How could you? I lov-" that's when he cut me off with a kiss but i pulled away and ran off. I got to my apartment and locked the door. I looked at my smeared eyeliner running down my face I pulled my hair down from my bun that Elizabeth had done. I grabbed my brush and stroked my hair.
Then that's when I heard a knock on my door.

"I'm coming" I spoke as I wiped the makeup off my face.

It was Elizabeth she seemed distressed, "Have you been crying?" She asked as she reached for my cheek. I stepped back and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Did your date stood you up?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around me. I just agreed I didn't want to tell her that her husband was sleeping with me. "It's fine darling. We women don't need men to be happy right?" She smiled as she held my face. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around too. As we were hugging I smelled her infamous perfume on her silk hair.

"Do you want to crash at my place? I'll make you some food and we'll listen to some classic Italian it will be marvelous " she spoke into my ear.

"No I'm feeling better I think I just need some time alone you know?" I gently bit my lip.

"Of course but if you need anything you know where I am" she smiled.

For the rest the night I just laid in my bed sulking in my sorrow. Until about 11:00 then I heard a soft knock and my door opening and I knew that it could only be one person, James he had a key. He got into bed with me, and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sincerely sorry for what I did. Elizabeth and I haven't been happy together for a long time. It was just a matter of time before she finds another too" he whispered into my ear as tears ran down my face.

"She's my best friend James" I whispered back.

"I know & she adores you"

"Are you out of in love with me?" He asked kissing my cheek. "No" he held me tighter and that's when my heart warmed.

"You are the one that will end me did you know that?" He snickered down the back of my neck.

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