Holy Christmas

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Present day

"So Netflix is just a variety of tv shows and movies and those are features with actresses and actors?" I asked massaging the water into my hair.

Donovan came up behind me and finished my hair for me, "yeah pretty much. Man your hair so soft" he smiled as he pushed my head below the shower head.

"Yeah I think its genetics " I chuckled as I stepped out of the shower and slipped on some clothes. Donovan slowly followed me and wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck.

"What are you doing?" I pushed him away. He grabbed ahold of my wrist and spined me into him.

"You don't like it?"

"Let's focus on the task at hand" I jolted my hand away from him and put on my earrings.

"She gets to have all the fun with you but I don't" he snickered as he looked at me through the mirror.

"That's different and you know it" I turn to face him, "with her its business, with you it's wasting time"

I walked outside my apartment and made my way to Elizabeth's apartment. She told me she was planning a Christmas party and she wanted me accompany her, so she wanted me to come over and try some new things on.

"Try this one" she handed me a red sparkly dress.

I striped down to my undies and zipped myself up. "What do you think?" I asked posing for her.

"It flatters your curves but I think you'll like this one more" she held out a very familiar dress, the dress she had gotten me all those years ago. I twirled around in a circle holding the dress to my body.

"I can't believe you kept it" I whispered to myself.

"Try it on"

I walked to her bathroom and slipped it on, and looked up to the mirror to see a familiar image and feeling. I saw myself but the past, this was the future and I have to move on.

"So when will the guests be arriving?" I asked as I sat out some drinks.


"Now, they're arriving now" She said with a smile, and went to get the door.

The party slowly started to swing in motion, tons of people were lingering in her apartment giving me an odd feeling in my stomach. I ended up sitting on the couch watching everyone mingle and that's when I started to feel sleepy. After awhile of sitting there I saw a figure come towards me, he had a excellent figure, and a black top hat. Everything was foggy, and faint.

"We meet again, my darling" he purred as he reached for my hand, kissing the edge of it.

I could barley make out his face, but when I did my stomach dropped.


"All in good time" his voice faded out and then I blanked out.

I woke up in Countess's bed with a silk rope over me as a blanket.

"You didn't last very long?" I heard elizabeth's voice, she was sitting on the edge of the bed.


"I saw that you were sitting on the couch earlier tonight, and then you stood up and just fell to the ground, just like that." she said snapping her finger together. She handed me a glass of blood, and took a long sip of it and exhaled.

"I've been out of lately, I guess. I think I need some air or something." I said getting up from the bed, heading to the door. I stumbled out her apartment and stopped by the ice machine to ease the spinning, I felt like someone drugged me or something. i place my hand on my forehead.

'Rough night" Donovan came out of nowhere catching me from clasping to the ground.

"I saw him" I looked at Donovan with fuzzy vision.

"Who? Lily who did you see?"


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