Damaged goods

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"It's official we have fallen down the rabbit hole" Donovan spoke to himself.

"It's a present. A nice gesture" I smiled to myself as continued to glue on the paper.

"Are we in elementary" He said standing over my shoulder. "I don't think it's healthy that you're giving a psychopath a collage of blood and gore"

"it will be a metaphor, for him"

"Whatever you say?" He kissed my neck.

"That's not normal"

"what is normal in this place?" He smiled.

"You know what I mean, so are we just friends that have sex acting like it's normal"

"Technically we're in a whole United relationship according to Elizabeth"

"Yeah that doesn't mean anything"

I get up and hang the artwork by the window to dry. "You don't like Valentino Right?" I asked still looking at the window.

"Very much. Elizabeth freaking made me in his own image let's just say There is a special place in my heart for Rudolph"

"How would Elizabeth react if Rudolph died for some unknown reason?"

"She would lose her mind, You're not telling me that you are implying that you want him dead?" He smiled.

"I think there is a lot of people who want him dead, and you know it" I smirked cleaning my hands.

"If you can manage to get rid of him without her knowing it was you. I'll be your undying loyal servant for the rest of my existence" He smiled.

"You wanna bet on that?" I spoke turning to him with my hands on my hips.


"I never back down from a bet young Donovan"


"How are you going to kill this dude?" Tate asked as he clinged to the couch.

"I don't know um...I'll stake him" I joked.

"Don't be so cliche about it? Be inventive" He smiled.

"Okay what do you suppose I do?"

"Trap him in his own personal hell, literally" He laughed.

"That my friend is a good idea" I grab my tea and curl my feet up "I'm a also okay with him not being able to see Elizabeth ever again" I laugh.

"To bad it's not Halloween everyday."


"I'm pleased that you asked if you could see me." Valentino smiled as he sat down in the chair in his crappy motel room.

"I love Elizabeth and if she loves you I guess I have to learn to love you too"

"Good" He smiled examining my body as he always seemed to do. "Sit on the be why don't you"


"Just do it" He said with a stern tone, so I sat on the bed. "Strip"

I just sat there for a moment, "I want it to be believable. If you are willing to do this for her, I want to know that you are all in" He smiled.

I started to unbutton my shirt and then I saw him looking at which made it even harder to play along. At this point I was only in my black bra and underwear. He walked up to me a placed my hair to one side. And started to caress my skin.

"What are you going to do with me?" I whispered looking up at him.

He started to touch my thighs and smile. "What ever I want"

"You have no right?"

"Oh yes I do. If I don't get what ever I want Elizabeth will be told that you tried to kill me"

I laughed. "Okay whatever you want"

"Good" He said as he laid me down continuing to touch my body. I picked me up and sat me up on my knees. He started to pull down my underwear. I could hear him unbuckling his belt.

"I've never been the type of man who prefers the ass. But in your case I have to treat you like trash"He whispered into my ear.

I rolled my eyes and started to bite my lip. I grabbed the bed sheets as my body started to rock in motion. I moaned in pain. "You are one worthless whore aren't you?"

"And your mother hated you because she named you Rudolph" I snarled pushing myself onto my back kicking him to the dresser. With heels on.

I stood up as I slip my underwear back on, having one foot on top of his chest.

"You really thought, you had everything in control" I laughed, "You were dead wrong"

I keeled down to his face, "You messed with the wrong crazy" I whispered to him.

He took a deep breathe and grinned his teeth. I took one my heels off and keeled back down to his level. I placed it on his chest, and began to dig it into his skin. He moaned in pain as the blood rushed to the surface. I drove it deeper, and deeper into his skin. I started to laugh.

"I guess heels do really kill" I giggled to myself as i licked some of the blood off of my finger.

"I even hate your face, it look so idiotic" I smiled as he looked at me in fear. Then suddenly old memories flooded through. "She got 13 wacks, he got 12 wacks." I mumbled to myself as I felt into a trance. Then suddenly I had no control. Blood squirted onto my face as I bashed his head in with the heel. I couldn't stop I..I liked it. I gave him 30 wacks before falling onto the floor with so much blood covering my half naked body. I wiped my hand of my mouth. And started to laugh myself to sleep the last thing I remembered was the door opening, it was Donovan.

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