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Donovan and I walked outside onto the porch and that's when I glanced at the Montgomery house, it had an eerie feeling to it but also alluring.

"Constantine says there is a family that lives there but, their kind of odd" Donovan spoke as he sat next to me on the porch swing.

"I really don't think anything can be more odd than our lives" I smile still looking at the house.

"We should say Hi then" He smirked jerking my shoulder.

I stood up and started to walk towards the house causing Donovan to quickly follow.

"I was just kidding" \

"And that's the problem, Donovan. I'm actually friendly" I went onto the porch and door and raised my hand to knock on the door but the door opened before I could.

"Yes?" said a red head woman.

"Hi. We are visiting the Langdons. Will technically I'm a langdon myself. And I was just coming by to say hi"

A pale teenager came to the door, she had long light brown hair. She gave me the oddest grin.

"No way" She smiled pulling us both in past the woman, and up the stairs.

"I read about you" she smirked closing her bedroom door.

"Really? You read about me?" I looked at Donovan with a confused look.

"Yeah, Lily Langdon. The girl who murdered her parents" She laughed sitting on her bed.

I looked at my shoes out of shame.

"Don't worry, around here we have a lot of psychopaths." she patted her bed for me to sit down next to her.

"So you know about Tate?" I smiled.

"I dated him"

I was confused he was dead. "Before he died? That would mean you would have to be a little older than you are now"

"Not unless I dated him when he was dead" she rolled her eyes.

"Oh duh" I said nonchalantly.

"So you're both ghost, or is he flesh and bone?"

"Actually I'm very much alive. I just can't die" I winked at her.

"Vampires too! I can't believe they exists too"

"I hate that term" Donovan snarled clinging to her dresser.

"'re Tate's great great grandmother or something? I do see a lot of resembles "

"Cousin actually" I smiled in shock that she thought we looked so similar.

She laid on her back and took a deep breathe. "I hate being dead"

"Wait you're dead?"

"Yea, my whole family is"

"Odd family" Donovan smiled with his hands in air quotes.

then we heard a knock on her door. it was a man. "Violet? Dinner. Oh hello. We have guest"

I went toward me and held out his hand and shuck it. "Dr. Harmon. I'm violet's father"

"Lily Langdon"

I could see his face light up as if he just got pinched. He smiled and stepped back.

"Another psycho?"

"Excuse me?" I snarled.

"I'm sorry, it's just since you're a langdon I assumed you were also troubled".

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not"

"Hopefully, you want to test you're faith in that. A little wager"

"What does he mean?" I asked violet.

"He's a therapist. Not the best in my opinion"


"come on, it might be interesting. Why don't you step into my office."

I looked at Donovan he gave me the go, and I followed Dr. Harmon down stairs to his 'office'

"Tell me some of your background, Lily"

"I'm originally from Oregon" I smiled.

"tell me something deeper than that? Lily come on. It's a safer place" He smirked.

"Hey I just met you" I smirked.

"come on tell me your deepest secrets"


"She hasn't talked not once since we arrived, sir" the police officer spoke in the cold winter air.

"Maybe she blacked out through the whole thing, she could be mentally insane. She could be tried as insane in the trial she's barely a minor" The other officer spoke with a cigarette in his hand.

"Sir, it was brutal in there, blood everywhere. She even fell asleep with her mother's corpse next to her" the officer tried to hold down his dinner while describing the crime. The two officers looked at the girl with the handcuffs on both wrist and blood everywhere on her. Her face was blank, lifeless you could say. Like she died with her victims.

"Miss?" A young man came towards her and keeled down to her level. she didn't look directly at him.

"Why did you do this?"

"She was so sick, and he was an evil drunk bastard" she whispered motionless.

"I think you have a lot of pain you're not dealing with". Dr. Harmon spoke. lily looked up at him and saw Tate standing behind Dr. Harmon with his arms crossed, listening. his face was more sympathetic than Dr. Harmon it was refreshing. It caused Lily's teary eyed face to form a small smile. Tate and her sharing a small smile together. then she finally saw it, the connection.

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