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"A truce?" I laughed pouring myself a drink.

"Yeah, a truce. But it involves us both"

"Go on" I smirked laying on the bed.

He sat next to me a ran his hand through his hair. "She wants me to escort you to her room so she can explain"

I look up and think for a moment, "why?"

"Just because-I can't say yet"

We walked to her room and I could feel my stomach knotting maybe she found out about me and Donovan. What if she was going to kill him and make me watch. The doors open.

"Great! You're here! Sit"

"Donovan? Want something to drink?" Elizabeth smiled, he shuck his head no.

"What's going on?"

She takes a sit in between us. She kisses my cheek.

"I have good news" she whispers to me.


She looks at Donovan and grabs his hand. "But first I have business to attend too"

She gets up and pours herself a drink and turns to both of us.

"Donovan and I, we were together for some time now. I think I loved him...once"

She moves and puts some music on. "But love fades I know this to be very true"

"What are you trying to say"

"But betrayal that's what stays with a person. I recently found out that he wanted me dead, because I broke up with him, silly boy really" he goes up behind him and grabs his shoulders.

"Elizabeth I can explain.." She cuts me off with her finger.

"Pause that thought, dear"

She runs her fingers through his hair and I can tell he's getting nervous so am I. She runs her sharp knife glove around his neck.

"A woman can only be pushed so far, and I'm right at the edge"

Blood squirted everywhere, and all over my face. He clasped in my lap bleeding all over me. I see him look at me and it almost makes me wanna vomit. Then suddenly Elizabeth cuts my chest and my blood drips all over him and into his mouth.

"Why?" I whimper.

She grabs my face, "everything is for you"

Don't Fall In Love (AHS Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now