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I woke up covered in water, I gasped for air and grasped the edge of the bathtub. Donovan held my body up.

"Shh" He whispered to me as he placed me into a towel and picked me up and carried me onto the bed. My body felt so fragile and gentle. I looked at my hands and saw the blood stained onto my hands.

"I guess you proved me wrong" He spoke sitting next to me.

"What happened?" I asked looking around the room.

"I picked up your mess. I gave you a bath cleaned you up the best I could."

I got up and looked at the floor and didn't say any blood. "You cleaned it all up?" I asked.

"I had too! You really didn't plan it out very well"

"I don't know what came over me, it was all a blur"

"I know you seemed really out of it"

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"I'm going to make sure it looks like he skipped town" He handed me a wet cloth.

"She'll know" I whispered.

"Not if we do it right" He smirked.

"Where did you put him?" I asked slipping my t-shirt on.

"I buried him in the back. I thought you would like it if he was trapped here"

"I'm going back to the hotel." I smiled as I slip on some shoes Donovan brought after he found me.

What are you going to do? I mean we still got Natasha to worry about?" Donovan smirked as he put my coat on for me.

"Elizabeth will end up killing her I hope"


"Iris!" Countess called out.

"Yes? Ma'am" Iris walked into the penthouse.

"Pick this trash up, I'm done with her" Countess smiled pointing at Natasha's dead body.

Iris dragged Natasha's body out of the room and down the shoot.

Mr. March walked into the room and sat down on the couch waiting to talk to Elizabeth.

"It's funny. Kind of poetic! I guess you only liked the other one." He smirked.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "She was always in the way. And I why do you even care what I do"

"Lily might. You got her so round up. Maybe she was starting to finally like them. Tish! Tish! Messing with a young girl emotions so much" He smirked.

"I know for a fact, that she does. She'll understand though." She smiled.

"Stay optimistic, my dearest" He smirked as he stood up with his cane in one hand.

"I plan too" She smiled back as escorted him out of the room.


"Elizabeth?" I called out as I walked into the penthouse.

"Yes?" She responded.

She seemed cheerful, she went towards me and started to kiss me. "I missed you, darling" She whispered into my ear. "Really?" I asked as held her hands.

"Yes really. You mean the most to be in the whole world."

"Even more than Valentino and Natasha?" I asked.

I could see her get agitated and started to tear up. "Yes. You never left me. Even in death I saw you everyday I know you didn't realize that but I did. Valentino will always be my first but, you will be my last. Remember when um I took you to the store, we danced. I fell hard for you. You were light" She started to cry.

"Elizabeth..why are you like this?"

"I did it, for you" She smiled.

"What did you do?" I asked holding her face. "She's dead, I killed for us. I understand now. We can be together now"

"What do you mean Elizabeth we are together"

"No, Valentino, and Me and you. We can be together"

I back away from her, and started to hear my breathing crumple. "I don't want him" I started to tremble. "He doesn't want you either. If he truly loved you he wouldn't of forced you to let him rape me. Did you know the first time I met him he touched. I hate him because you love him! Was I-" I started to cry.

"Was I...was I just a detraction to you? Did you picture me in their imagine, if so tell me now!" I started to yell, and through the bottle of bourbon. She flinched with tears in her eyes.

"No..No- I loved you. You made forget how horrible my life had became. I wanted you and only you for longest time...but-"

"But what? I'm here! He wasn't! He's not! He'll never be." I cried. "Maybe it's me, right? You had years to change. Your taste is different now. Maybe I was just a phase."

She reached for my face but I pulled her away. "I killed him" I whispered.

"What?" She asked.

"Yeah I killed him. Valentino he was just not working for me. But the best part about it is I LOVED it. The fact that I had his life in my hands,it was refreshing" I started to chuckle.

I could see her pain and I bite my lip, and fell to the ground laughing. "I'm absolutely broken"

She went up to me and grabbed my face and looked me in the eye. "I don't know what to do? You can forgive but I'll still won't know what to do. Because It's all so confusing" I whispered to her.

"I know." she whispered back to me.

"So" I whispered.

she held out her hand and pulled me up to my feet. She took me to her bed. And let me lay down. She came up behind me and kissed my head. "I love you" She whispered. I started to close my eyes and drifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up to no Elizabeth only Constance.

"Where's Elizabeth?" I asked sitting up.

"She's with Tate. She finally wanted to see him again" She smiled at me. "Love is a strange thing isn't it?" She came up to me and sat down on the bed. "This hotel it's not good for anyone"

"It's not the hotel, it's people in it" I twiddled with my fingers.

"You love her, but you're not in love with her"

"I'm just tired. I want to actually live. I never have. I've just gone through the motions. I want a family. I took a walk one day after I turned. I saw this woman she had this glow, she had a baby with her. She seemed happy. But she was happy. People like me are the one's that seem happy. "

Don't Fall In Love (AHS Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now