Old Friends

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Present day

"I'll surely try to attend your party" lily smiled, as she was opening the door.

"Great! And don't forget to wear something....sexy it's a really hopping party, you know " he chuckled clinging to her door. That made her smile and giggle to herself, "sure see you then"

She settled into her bed and ran her fingers through her hair and stretched her arms out across the bed. She was definitely tired from all her traveling and moving around. Lily wanted to actually settle somewhere permanently and she thought the Cortez may be it. She decided to take a quick shower before the party and maybe do her hair and makeup take Tristan's advice and dress "up" instead casual.

During her shower she realized the bruises that see saw the night before we're getting worse and bigger. She had no idea what she did for them to appear on her thighs. As she examined her body more she noticed she had really deep cuts on her lower stomach. She moaned in pain as she ran her fingers over the cut.

"Fuck" she groaned to herself. She held on to her stomach as she got out of the shower she searched for some bandages she packed in her suitcase she patched herself up and slipped into her red silk dress.  She decided to curl her hair and apply light eye makeup and some red lipstick.
She looked at the clock she didn't want to be to earlier or to on time so she sat on her bed and watched some television to pass the time.

Knock!! Knock!!!

She got up from the bed and answered the door. "Oh? What do I owe this pleasure?" She smiled at Donovan.

"I wanted to see if you would go out to town with me?" He asked with his hands in his leather jacket. "I would but I was invited to this party at the hotel, actually. I'm sorry" she sighed leaning against the door, elegantly as she did.

"Oh? You mean the countness's party?" He asked scratching his head. "Who?" She asked, Donovan laughed realizing she probably didn't know Elizabeth's hotel name. "Nevermind, um I guess I'll go them" Donovan said getting ready to leave.

"Wait, why don't you accompany me?" She smiled grabbing his wrist, he smiled and said sure. When they finally arrived there was indeed people already there. They went inside the apartment.
It was a beautiful apartment the set up seemed future retro it was cool and hip. Lily laid her eyes on Tristan and walked towards him with Donovan I her side.

"You came! Awesome I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Elizabeth" he pulled a pale kind of tall woman. Her facial expression was odd for a person just meeting another. "Hi I'm lily" lily spoke as she shakes hands with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looked like she had just seems ghost, "hello you definitely look like a lily, darling" she smiled examining her body. "Where are you from? You look like an Oregoner lady" she smirked. Amazement fell a pond Lily's face "how did you know?" She explained. "Lucky guess" Elizabeth smiled licking her lips.

"Well ma'am I have to say your place is pretty spectacular" lily smiled looking around. "Call me, Elizabeth"


It's been a couple of long weeks since I told James that I'd help him with his problem. Every other day we would do some excises to help him stop his erges. It's been long and hard finding out all James darkest, and deepest secrets.

"Are you okay?" I asked running my fingers across his chest as he laid with me in my bed.

"Yes, I'm just tired of fighting these thoughts so much" He spoke as he gestured with his hands.

'It will get better, I promise" I pulled some of my hair back. "Okay, I trust you"

Knock!! Knock!

In a sudden reaction, James locked himself in my bathroom hiding in case, I walked up to my door and opened it to see Elizabeth.

"Hello, Darling. So today my husband decided to leave me all by myself so would you like to go out somewhere with me. Have a girl's day" She smiled. i smiled at her, and heighten my voice, "Sure just let me get my things. I'll head to your apartment in 15 minutes." she nodded, and left. I waited a little until I opened my bathroom door.

"I'm having a girl's day with Elizabeth" i snickered as James held me into a hug.

"have fun" he mumbled, as he grabbed his jacket and sneaked out leaving me smiling. When Elizabeth and I came out into town she wanted to go shopping, so she brought me to a boutique. she wanted to get me a new dress so she had me try on some things she picked out. the dress i ended up getting was a black lace party dress, strapless.

"That's a darling dress! It really brings out your gorgeous hips." Elizabeth spined me around, observing me from head to toe. "Really?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror. "I wouldn't lie to you, dear" She smiled pulling my hair to one side. My stomach began to flutter like it did when I first met her, it was odd. She looked at me in my eyes, and she smiled. there was music being played throughout the boutique.

"May I?" she asked out of the blue, she held out her hand and grabbed both my hands and placed them on her waist. "This is silly, we're dancing in a boutique." I whispered as she pulled me into a swaying motion. "trust me, hun we don't look silly. we're simply dancing" she smiled. "Does Mr. March dance with like this?" i asked as she twirled me around. she wheeled me back in, closer than ever. "No, James isn't that found of dancing" she whispered into my ear almost sending shivering down my spine. when the dance was over so was our time in the boutique.

"I had a wonderful time, Elizabeth. And thank you for the dress, you really didn't have to get me something so expensive" I said getting my key out of my purse, she closed the door, and smiled at me, "It was my pleasure" then she opened the door again, and let me in.

"Thank you" i thought to myself as I fluttered with warmth.

Present day

As the party progressed Donovan wouldn't leave Lily's side but who could blame him, lily was enchanting to be around she made every room she was in so warm and inviting including Countness's place. Lily led Donovan to the couch and they both sat.

"So..I just realized that you are very familiar this place?" Lily asked taking a sip of her wine. Donovan looked at her in surprisement, how did she know? "Um..I-", " you don't have to say it I think I have a pretty good idea what happen, she's your ex isn't she?" Lily pointed towards the countess. Donovan had shameful expression on his face, and then he let out a smile, "Wow you're good" lily smiled. "So what happen?" she asked leaning in. Donovan pointed it at Tristan, "That's what happen".

"will that's a shame because I know for a fact that your'e way more stunning than Mr. Duffy over there" She giggled, making Donovan laugh also. 'What? It's true" She explained. 'Will, thank you for the boost", Lily nudged him a little, "No problem". Donovan glanced away from the Lily and noticed that Countness was watching them both like a hawk and that made him wonder with his thoughts. Soon after Countness came towards them and sat across from them with her glass of wine.

"Are you enjoying my party?" She smiled looking directly at Lily.

"It's great! You really know how to throw a party." Lily smiled and took a sip of her drink. "What about you Donovan?" Countness smirked. Donovan have her an odd smile "sure it's grand"

"I'm glad will I have to be going I need to go and be a host. It was lovely talking with you guys" Countness smiled as she got up. "Well... It's getting late. Wanna walk me to my apartment?" Lily asked putting her glass on the table. "Sure lets go"

"Thanks" lily smiled as she reached towards her door but she was stopped by Donovan. "Hey, thanks for inviting me to the party. You really didn't have too", Lily closed the door and got out two cigarettes and handed one to Donovan. "I wanted you to go, I like you Donovan you're a very interesting guy" she said as she lit both their cigs.

"You're pretty interesting girl too" he said as he took a puff of the cig and pulled his hair back. "Well...goodnight Donovan" Lily said slipping into her room.

"Who's the tramp?" A voice came up behind Donovan to only realize it was sally the drug addict ghost. "She's not a tramp!" Donovan snapped looking at the pathetic woman. "Well sorry for assuming but I'm just going from past experience, you really know how to pick them" Sally snarled as she brushed against his chest.

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