Undying Love

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*Sorry for the cliffy! I was rushed yesterday I had a lot of tests to take so yeah but I'll make it up to by updating twice as much...i hope*

Present Day

Donovan led Lily to the door, of Elizabeth's apartment not knowing how to explain this incident. He knocked on the door and that's when she opened the door. Her face seemed surprised.

'Donovan? What do i owe this pleasure for?" she asked clinging to her door as she gestured for them to go in. "This visit isn't on my behalf, its hers". Elizabeth quickly looked at Lily and gave her a small smile, "Oh"

"I know it's you. Elizabeth it's Lilly" Lily explained as she went towards her. She seemed puzzled but then it a'll came together.

"How?", elizabeth gave Donovan a snarl, and pinned him against the wall. "Tell me you didn't?" she screamed in angry, he started to choke, "Do what? Give you're weird little pet blood? Yes i did and i'd like to what's going on here" he mumbled trying to get away from the countess's grasp.

"Stop this nonsense!" Lilly screamed at the top of her lungs. Elizabeth let Donovan go.

"I need to know. What am I?" she whispered.

"Your'e a miracle that's what you are", 'the very first reborned" Elizabeth smiled.

"Reborned? What's that suppose to mean?" Donovan asked, Elizabeth turned to Donovan. "That means she is more powerful than we both will ever be..no one can kill her, no one can harm her not even one little scratch." Elizabeth began to chuckle. Lilly looked concerned. "All she had to do was drink blood from the virus in order for her to be reborn"

"So move along, Donovan. Lily and I need to do some catching up" Elizabeth smiled at Lily.

Lily's POV !! :)

She seemed like this was a normal thing for her to do, she sat on her couch and patted on the other seat I sat down.

"It's been way to long, Darling" She smiled, the kind of smile that warms your stomach.

"ninety-one years" I mumbled playing with my hands, I was speechless.

"You have any questions for me?" she asked taking a sip of her tea. I licked my lips, "Well, I mean you obviously have been in other relationships during the years." I chocked on my words. "After a certain point, love and relationships are quite pointless when you don't have the right lover, Lily. Yes I have been in so many relationships but trust me darling they all have no meaning to me" Elizabeth had a sparkle in eye since water began to fall from her cheek.

"What about James?"

"He got what he deserved"

"Wait you never gave him the virus?"

"Why would I give a monster an infinite amount of time so he can do monstrous things?" she seemed irritated. "Forgiveness is a bitter sweet thing, Elizabeth"

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