The Inocent Has Secrets

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It's been days since I've seen James. Maybe it's me hiding from him.
I can't bare the thought of it being over. He was my first love.
He reminded me of my mother in an odd way. Kind and charming.
But, there was a fear of my mother too.

"Tristan, I still can't believe this!" I explained hugging him.

"It's been an on going thing for a few weeks now.." He smiles as he holds Liz's hand.

"I'm happy for you both! You're both very eccentric people"

"And we were wondering..if you would do something for us, considering what you are" Liz spoke with soft sound.

"What are you saying?"

"The countess. She'll never let both of us be together. That's not how she works and we think you've come to know that" I cut them off, "you guys want me too-kill you?" I was shocked, kind of upset.

"You're the only one in this god forsaken place we trust with our lives" they both say in harmony.

"What would happen if Elizabeth found out that it was me? I don't know"

They both grab my hand and look at me into my eyes.

"Please, Lily"

I went to my room. I sat on my bed and just thought about Liz and Tristan. If I killed them there would be no coming back from that.
Suddenly I feel something Erie and look up its James.

"You seem anxious"

"Not quite, just have a lot on my mind" I pull my legs onto the bed.

"You should relax" he smiles and slips on some black gloves. "You know what relaxes me?"

"Death if I remember correctly" I sarcastically smile.

"It thrilled you once, don't deny it"

"It never thrilled me!"

"That's not what the police reports told me, years ago" he gets closer to my face.

"That was different, we were in danger!"

"Yes you were, an abusive father. But the thing I can't understand is..your mother why kill her if she was a victim too?"

I took a deep breathe and looked away.

"We all have secrets that were ashamed of, right? Let me have mine, and I'll let you have yours"

He touches my hair as tears started to fall. "What happened to us?", he looks to the window as if he might go on, "when I first saw I thought you were my fresh start..I guess that was a unachievable goal"

"You were my first love for a reason, James. You brought me another one to love" I whisper. He looks up at me In shock.

"The day was April 12th 1924. She was alone at the bar, her husband had been neglecting her because of his nasty habits! And you know who was there to console her, me!"


"You're a parasite James. You're crazy.  My mother was just like you, she would torture me and my drunken father! She was ill, just like you! You could say we were the perfect screwed up family, drunk father, crazy mother, and a sexual confused little daughter!" I stood up, fuming with anger, I pinned him to the corner of the room. "If you weren't dead, I'd kill you right now."

"I guess the school girl finally snapped" he smirks.

I smile, "get out"

When he shuts the door I let out a scream and go towards my mirror and hit it with my fist. It shatters.

"Anger management might be something in your future" Donovan stands by the door.

"Where have you been, I was looking for you the other day" I brush my clothes trying to contain my emotions.

"You know I have a life"

"Well not a very exciting one"

"What did you need?"

"Nothing I was just bored"

He goes towards me looking at the shattered glass. "It's over between me and James" i whisper into his ear.

"One less crazy we have to worry about I  guess" he sits down on my bed.

"The countess. We need to strike" his words seemed distant.

"I thought you were over that"

"I am"

I look at him and smile, "really?"

"Yes. I talked to her and she wants a truce"

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