Coming Home Maybe

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"Dr. Harmon he's a character isn't he?" Tate whispered into my ear as I was walking upstairs to the spare bedroom Donovan and I were staying in.

He grabbed my arms, and turned my body to face him, pinning me against the wall.

"He really likes getting under people's skin doesn't he?"

"Not with me. He use to be my therapist before he was dead" He smiled and turned his back to the wall too, "I was a parasite, apparently"

"You kill people, I wonder why" I smirked trying to open my door but he stopped me before I could.

"Killed. Past tense. So was that true back there?"

"What? Me being a killer?" I snarl looking at my feet.

"No, you're parents? Were they really that horrible?" He asked with sincere eyes.

"...Yeah. They were pretty bad. My mom she was a different kind of bad compared to my dad though, he would do..things" I cut myself off.

"That's what I don't you know" Tate spoke playing with his hands.

"What don't you get?"

"People being so terrible to the ones you're suppose to love.." He whispered.

"Well, Tate that's life. And we have no right to say such things! You and I..we are the worst kind of monsters. My parents they were confused, and lost. And it's clear to me that we are not lost we know exactly what we are doing and when we do it. When I killed them, I ENJOYED IT. My parents they didn't enjoy being the way they were."

He looked at me the whole time like he was examining every word I spoke. I saw anger fumed inside him.

"No! That's the difference between you and I! I'm broken and you're just disturbed! I had to grow up with all these things in my head, you just snapped one day!" He yelled cornering me. I tried to catch my breathe but I couldn't. I grabbed the door knob and quickly went int other room and locked the door. I heard his body slide down the other side of the door, I heard faint whispers.

"Fighting with baby brother, it sounds like" Donovan spoke as he sat on the bed with his arms behind his head.

"Whatever, let's leave. As soon as possible. I'm over this" I snarled.

"Family reunion ends so soon" He smirked.

"I'm not in the mood for your remarks" I snarled grabbing the book from him and throwing it to the ground.

"Lily! I'm not the bad guy here!" Donovan got up and grabbed me by the shoulders. I pushed him off.

"I'm finding Constance, I'm saying goodbye."

I opened the door and luckily Tate was gone. I went downstairs to find Constance talking to a girl.

"Constance, I think Donovan and I are going to leave" I spoke, as her head looks up at me.

She smiles, "whatever, you want to do. Just know this is your home."

"Thank you"

"I see so much of you in Tate" she smiled caressing my hair.


"You're both misunderstood. He really tries, but he's so-"

"Broken?" she nods and walks over to the end tables, and got something out of a drawer.

"I want you to have this" She hands me a box.

I quickly open it, a photograph and a letter. the photograph shocks me. I start to laugh and smile.

"She would come to visit us every year! It was a joy to see someone that knew you" Constance spoke. She grabbed the photograph. "Tate, he was fond of her. He would always ask "What was Lily like? Will I ever meet her? when?" the thought of you to him, it was like you were a princess in a fairy-tale. he wanted you to be his older sister" I give her a sincere smile.

"She really loves you. But she soon saw that Tate was different. She was afraid that he got it from you. Your past. The odd thing is the last time she came and visited, was the day before he died"

"What?" I looked up at her with a knot forming in my stomach.

"Anyway, the letter. It was meant for you. They both wrote it, He was sixteen. She said one day Lily will be back, and get to read this, so make it special" she handed me the letter with my name written on it.

Dearest, Lily

From what I heard about you makes me think we were destined to be with each other in another life. If that is so, then I'm grateful for knowing you in that life. Elizabeth tells that someday you will come back and won't be afraid to show your face to your loved ones. People do bad things all the time, I get it. But here is another thing people change, people learn. I hope you learn how to love yourself will all your demons too.

I hope I've met you when you receive this letter. Elizabeth says you're are just like her and never age. I guess the most beautiful people get that. I have so many things to say to you and I hope you do. We are one in the same you and I.

Love, Tate

I looked up from reading the letter and Constance was gone and Tate was standing before me.

"Can I give you advice before you leave?" His eyes looked so sad.

"If you love someone, you should never hurt them. Most of us breaks that promise." He spoke looking at the photograph of him as a little boy, and woman holding his hand. she had the most beautiful blonde hair. Her lips were as red as blood.

She saw in him what so many years ago she saw in me.

A/N I hope you guys liked that, um let's see where this goes? Any thoughts?

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