Family Trees

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As we get into, the hotel I see Elizabeth waiting for the both of us. Smiling like she seldom did. She grabbed Donovan's shoulder and pushed him towards her and grabbed my hand.

"Did you have fun?" She asked.

"I think so. Right Lily" Donovan smiled towards me, and I agreed.

"Great! Now Lily and I can have some alone time" She smiled but then her phone began to ring, she excused herself away to take the call. I could see it on her face that it wasn't a pleasant phone call.

"Change of plans, I guess I have some paperwork at the DEA about some missing children, how typical." She grabbed both my hands, "We'll have our time as soon as I get home, I promise" She kissed my hands and left me with Donovan.

"Let's get a drink, come on" I heard Donovan's voice as I went out of my trance. I followed him up the stairs to the bar. Liz was talking to John. We got our drinks and sat at the bar.

"So?" He asked.


"I know this is a very bleak question, but have you ever thought about contacting your 'family'?" he slightly whispered.

"Oh god no. Wouldn't imagine that" I smirked.

"It might be interesting you know, contacting your- you know what I mean" he stopped and took a drink of his gin.

"My family they aren't worth meeting. They're probably all the same" I finished my drink.

"You'll never know until you try, sweetie" Liz smirked.

"How would I even do that?" I explained.

"What was your mom or dad's last name, we can start from there?" Donovan smiled.

"And if this works, how do I even approch them? Do I say 'hey i'm ancester. And I'm Immortal'" I snarled.

"No not nessarily. Come on it might be fun" Liz said.


"Lily! We found something come here" Donovan yelled.

I walked towards the computer and saw the names. I was shocked. Not in a good way.

"Los Angeles? That seems about right my mom's family was orignal from here" I smirked.

"Apparently. You want to go? This might be good for you."

"What about Elizabeth?"

"She won't mind, I actually ran this by her before she left. There's no buisness at the DEA" He laughed, I hit him in the arm.

"Fine. Let's go" I smirked.

A/N: What did you think? Do you have any ideas what might happen? If so comment and tell me! Vote if you'd like. Another update will be up soon! :)

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