Secrets Unraveled

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Present day

"I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy I swear I saw him!" John screamed as he gasped for air while clinging to the counter. "Come down, detective" Liz smiled as she read her magazine.

"Don't tell me to come down! There's something wrong going on here and I'm gonna find out what that is!" John snarled pounding his fist against the counter. "Sure! Go ahead have another freak out" Liz smiled. John stormed off, leaving Liz laughing and lily coming up to the counter.

"What's his problem?" Lily asked leaning against the counter. "He's experiencing a very long trip".

"Oh.. I want some of what he has then" lily joked as she chewed some of her gum," I don't think you want anything he is having" Liz giggled, "so what do you need, doll" Liz asked.

"Is there someone staying in the room next to be because they're pretty loud" lily asked as she glanced at Elizabeth who was watching her every move. "Let me check" Liz spoke as she turned to the office door. As lily waited she still felt Elizabeth's presence, it was an Erie feeling lily had shivers go down her spine. Elizabeth walked down the stairs with poise she finally made her way to lily and for a moment they both stared at each other.

"How can I help you?" Lily asked fixing her shirt trying to be presentable.

"Have you ever heard of the infamous Valentino from the 1920's?" Elizabeth asked boldly. "No I don't believe I have...Elizabeth" lily started tremble with her words. "Well, he was a really popular actor who could enchant you with a single look"

"What are you to girls talking about?" Tristan spoke as he walked up to the two girls. "Oh nothing just talking about thy arts" Elizabeth smiled towards lily. Tristan leaded in for a kiss but Elizabeth moved away and smiled at him.

"Have you heard?" Elizabeth asked. "What?" Lily smiled as she walked with the two. "I'm getting married", lily looked at Tristan, "that's amazing". "Oh no, I am getting married to someone else, the owner of this hotel" leaving lily quite puzzled Tristan explained to her that she was only marrying another because of the hotel. But even after knowing that information she still didn't think it was normal to do.

"I think he's gay too so I have nothing to worry about" Tristan whispered into Lily's ear as they walked to the stairwell.

After a quite odd conversation lily made her way up to her floor only to be stopped by another resident of the hotel, "Lily?" A voice asked coming up behind lily. Lily turned around to see a woman with a blonde haired girl with faded brown roots obviously showing horrible. You could tell she had been crying but for some reason her eyeliner still looked okay.

"Do I know you?" Lily asked walking up to the woman. She seemed like she really knew lily but, lily could simply not place her. The woman came towards her and touched her cheek, " you look exactly the same " lily stepped back in slight confusion. "I thought he-" she cut herself off before finishing the sentence and then she was gone just like that.

Lily found her way back to her apartment and that's when she decided to check on her injuries. She lifted up her shirt to see her wounds bleeding even more than before, they even seemed fresher wounds. Her heart started to race like a humming bird. Her head become dizzy-like, she fell to the floor loosing her balance. It was unbearable.


The hotel seemed to change to my eyes I soon realize that the hotel Cortez was not my safe haven but my hell. The only time I felt happy and safe as when I was with him but whenever I was alone I felt as if I was in danger of my life. At night I'd keep my toes away from the edges of my bed afraid of the monsters that lingered beneath.

"Darling? Are you okay?" James voice appeared into the room my heart skipping very beat possible. He came towards the edge of the bed and grabbed my hand. "Are you worth saving?" I asked looking into his sparkling eyes. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"You know the answer to that, Lily"

I instantly woke up in a cold sweat, panting softly. "Lily get ahold of yourself! It was only a dream!" I cried shaking. "Just go out and get some air" I told myself as I got out of bed. I reached for my door and walked out into the hallway. After a while of walking I ended up in front of room 230 coincidental. I secretly wanted to talk to Elizabeth since she was my friend and I knew I could talk to her but James was in there too. I ran my hand across the door I felt a presence behind the door drawing me in. I opened the door and slowly walked into the apartment.


I heard muffled sounds behind Elizabeth's bedroom door I gulped and took a deep breath letting my thoughts escape me. What was behind that door? I placed my hand on the door knob and turned slowly. It was like time stood still. There was blood everywhere. I saw James standing over a girl being brutally murdered she looked directly at me holding out her hand.

"James!" I screamed pulling him away from her, he turned to face me with blood all over his face. Tears rand down my face as he looked at me with sorrow and disappointment displayed on his face. In the corner of my I saw the girl get up and grab a knife.

"No!!" I gasped as I paused James out the way and that's when my heart stopped. The blood started to rush to the surface I looked down to see a knife in my stomach I turned around to face James. He looked terrified that's when I collapsed to the ground. My breathing became shaky he kneeled down and grabbed my hand.

"Lily....I..I didn't mean for-" James whimpered. Blood started to come gushing out of my mouth making me cough it up. I reached down towards my wound and with my bloody hand I touched James face for the last time.

"LILY DON'T DIE ON ME!" James screamed in agony.

James heard the door swing up, it was Elizabeth she stood before James and Lily's dying body.

"What the hell did you do!" Elizabeth screamed as she ran towards lily. Elizabeth looked at James and in that moment she snapped.

"Go!" She screamed making James leave in amazement.

Elizabeth started to sob uncontrollably she held lily in her arms and rocked her in her lap, caressing Lily's hair.

"I was going to give you the life you deserved" she whispered into her ear. Elizabeth grabbed the knife and cut her wrist and poured some blood into Lily's mouth. "Come on...please", "I'm in love with you" Elizabeth trembled.

"Elizabeth?" Lily scratched out, Elizabeth smiled and kissed lily on the cheek without thinking.

"Am I dead?"


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