Puppy Love

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Present day

"What's the long face for?" Sally asked as she lingered toward the door to room 64 while Donovan stood there waiting.

"none of your concern"

"Let me guess Mr. Maniac is screwing you're little puppy dog's brains out and you're pouring about it" Sally mocked.

"Shut up bitch. You don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't I? I've been where you are pal! And it's not a good look for you that's for sure, buddy!" Sally snapped as she almost fell onto of Donovan.


Sally makes her way back to reality and then she stands next to Donovan as she lights her cigarette.

"What did you think was going to happen? You and her live happily ever after in this fucked up hotel?" Sally could tell she was testing Donovan's patience, "It's all the same to you people, isn't it? You see fresh meat every once in awhile and you think you're in love with them, and once you're tired of them you throw them back like a piece of fish" Sally spat as Donovan soon realized she was really wasted.

The door started to open, and Lily's head peaked out.

"So how was it? Did he show up?" he asked trying to ignore Sally's existence. Lily looked different when she went out of that room, Donovan could tell they definitely had an encounter with each other he just wasn't sure what kind of encounter it was.

"He showed", she looked at Donovan with sincere eyes, wanting him to take her back to her apartment.

"Man..I miss that. I love the sight of puppy love it's so enticing" Sally whispered to herself as she walked off.

Donovan walked me to my apartment and I stopped at the door, "So. Thank you for bringing me to him" I barley speak it goes out like a whisper like I'm afraid of anyone hearing.

"No problem. Did he seem like you wanted him too?"

"Yeah, yes defiantly I'm just tired, you know experiencing all this."

He nods in agreement, and defeat of something. But i was tired and i had no energy for getting into anything with him. He's about to walk away when something slips out.


He looks back, with the sincerest look I have ever seen.

"You were my first friend that I had in a long time, and I'm glad that you can be my friend"

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