Teen Idle

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Warning: very sensitive chapter. I teared up a little..Make sure to comment your feelings. <3


"Dreams sometimes come true" I whispered into his ear. He smiled at me and kissed me again.

"Indeed they do"

"I have nightmares too, James"

"Everyone has nightmares it's just how you use them to your advantage" He smirked back at me.

"Okay what if they are about you?"

"what about me?"

"You kill me"

Present Day

"Do you got everything packed?" I asked walking into the Elizabeth's bedroom.

"Almost. I can't believe we're actually doing this?" she smiled.

"It's so surreal"

"I'm going to take a walk" I smile at her.

I closed the door with a smile. "So where you going to tell me?" James smiled as he stood against the wall.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" I smiled and tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and swung me against the wall.

"Do you really think that she deserves a happy ending? With YOU?" he screamed at me with anger in his eyes. "James.."I whispered.

"You were never suppose to leave me" He whispered back.

"You don't control me!" I snarled.

"I know that!"

He grabbed my hair but looked away with in terror. "I love you." He smiled at me.

"I know James. But we just don't work. Even if you and I tried would it even be worth it?" I asked.

he hit the wall out of anger and walked away releasing me. "I'll show you, I love you." He whispered then he walked away.


"Why did you do what you did?"

"They were horrible" I whimpered.

"that doesn't give you the right to murder people"

"You people murder those kind of people all the time, with electric chairs, and poison! What did I do was different!" I cried.

"You are declared Mentally insane by the court of Oregon you will be on parole for rest of your adult life We will be sending you to a home to help you get better Mrs. Langdon "

"I wanted to do it! I was in complete control! It was planned. Please send me away don't do this!" I screamed as they uncuffed me. 'I'm not crazy!"

Present day

"Can you tell me something?" a voice came up behind me.

"What, Sally"

"Why do you get to leave?" she seemed drunk.

"Sally, I don't belong here."

"And what? I do?"

"I don't know if anyone deserves to be here?"

"Did you ever wonder.." she whispered just enough for me to hear.

"What did I wonder?"

"Who Killed you? I would want to know." She smiled at me for the first time and it wasn't fake.


"Oh my god!" A voice came out of the darkness. "What did you do?"

James was standing fixing his tie and suit. He looked at the woman and started to look at her.

"She'll never leave me now" He smiled. "I loved her first didn't I? I deserve right? I need something good right?"

Present day

"It makes since right?" She smirked.

Then suddenly it all clicked. Finally everything was set into place. My heart started to hurt. "No-no no" She came up to me and held me into place.

"I'm willing to do one good thing. And this is it. He ruined everything for you"

then right there at that moment I found myself in the very room that everything went to shit for me, James standing in front of me. I wasn't sad, or angry I was in rage. "You? it's all because of you!" I screamed pushing him to the wall. "It's your fault!" I screamed. He just looked at me with a blank expression. "SAY SOMETHING"

"I'm not going to apologize if that's what you want" He smiled and with his white teeth.

"James..you're a monster" I snarled. he nodded and agreed. continuing to erg it on .

"You wanted to trap me in this hell with you!" I walked over to the desk and went into the drawers and found a knife. I turned to face him. "You are the reason, why? I knew it...you're just like her. That's why I was drawn to you. She always wins even after her death" I started to cry My body trembled.

"The only reason I ever loved you was because of her. She wants my life to be a living hell" I spat. I went up to him and grabbed his face. "But guess what James. I'm going far, far away. I hate myself because I loved you..still after everything. But I will never ever forgive you. You lost me that night. I want you to know that." I held him down in my arms. "I'm In love with her" I felt the blood in my hand even though I knew it didn't matter. He was already dead. It was just feeling. Then suddenly I heard a woman's cough. I opened my eyes.

"No-no no. This isn't real. Is it?" I whispered. 'What did you do?" I screamed at James.

James wasn't starring back at me, it was Elizabeth. Her eyes were bloodshot red. Blood dripped from her mouth. We both clasped on to the floor as I held her.

"No no no" I whimper as I rocked her in my arms.

She was breathing heavily. she reached for my face. "shh.. it's okay"

"Elizabeth.." I whimpered. and cut my arms and tried to give her my blood but she pushed my arm away and shuck her head. "It won't work" She whispered.

"You can't die. You can't leave me" I began to sob. and my body trembled so badly. She wouldn't stop coughing up blood, there was so much blood. "What about all those places we were going to go" I cried.

"You'll have such a great adventures, I promise", she pulled something out of her pocket and put it in my hand. "First rule...Never fall in love" She started to cry as the tears mixed with her blood.

"but, rules are meant to be broken"

she caressed my hair, and smiled. "You were the only thing I did right"

"I can't do this without you" i held her closer to me. Her grip loosen then suddenly I felt her last heartbeat.

"No no no no." I cried. "Someone help me! Please" I screamed. The doors swung open Sally was with Donovan. He stopped in his tracks and then fell to the floor next to us. Sally was crying even more than she did before. Then everyone came crashing in around us.

"She's dead" I cried as I looked at Donovan. he cried and held Elizabeth's lifeless hand. "I killed her, Donovan. He made me"

I'm sorry

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