Cat & Mouse

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I suddenly woke up on Elizabeth's bed realizing I was nude and sweating. I wrap myself in her silk sheets as they stuck to my skin making it feel unbearable. I look around and she Donovan lying next to me.

"What?" I groaned to myself I notice I had the after taste of blood in my mouth, copper tasting.

I was pasty, clammy and sweaty. I felt the definition of death. I reached towards Donovan and he nudged me away. He was alive. Good.

"Six hours" I heard Elizabeth's voice come up to me, "it took six hours for you to unravel the monster inside"

I sat up and wrapped myself and ran my hands through my hair, "six hours of what?"

"Haha it was interesting to see, I thought I was bad but you, you're on a whole other level" she glances at Donovan and smiles, "I never seen anything like it, it's like the blood wouldn't stop coming. He's just like you now. I didn't know blood could be that much of a kink for you"

"Why do I feel like this?"

"You gave him a lot of your blood to save him. You'll get better in time" she got up and looked at Donovan's face. "He's waking up", she gave me some clothes "follow me into the living room, darling"

I slipped into some clothes and made my way to the living room and sat on the sofa.

"I'm surprised of you, lily"


"You're more like me than I thought." She grabs my face and smiles "We are perfect together. But I saw you last night. With him, now that was sex" she laughs and then Donovan walks in.

"I have made reservations at le paria for you too" Elizabeth smiled.

"A date?"

"Yes for you and donovan."

"Elizabeth I-" she cuts me off with a kiss. "You wanted something new..I'm giving you new"

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