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"you astonish me"

She grabbed my hand and begin to dance with me in the store. It felt like the world stopped around us. I looked at her and felt a million butterflies.

"Can I tell you something?"


She swag me out and then twirled me in so close. "I have never been in love before. It was never really on my list" she smiled.

"But love it's such an enchanting feeling"

"Why do you know this?" She asked with a smile.

"I have a hunch"

"I have a little rule I live by that keeps me from that" She smirked.

"what would that be?" I smirked resting my head on her shoulder.

"Never fall in love"

"that's the funny thing, Elizabeth. Rules are meant to be broken." I chuckled.

"Are you okay?" Donovan walked in to the room.

"I'm going through her things, I found so many letters" I whispered holding a box as I sat down on the couch and he followed. "I've seen them before, I think they're for you" He laid his head on my shoulder.

"I don't think I want to read them"

"I think you should"

I grabbed the top one and looked at the envelope. It had Lily written on it. "Read it out loud"

My dearest Lily,

Today is the first day in along time that I haven't cried over you. I'm thinking of letting you go, letting you free. It's been so long. I can't take it anymore. I see you everyday walking around the city and I want So much to just up to you and tell everything but you won't remember it. I just want you to be happy. And if not coming back to me makes you happy then it makes me happy. So I'm going to let you go for you.

Love, Elizabeth

I wiped a tear from my cheek as I folded it back up. "Read another one"

I dug deep into the box and opened another one.

My dearest Lily,

Today I decided to find your family. It wasn't that hard you'll understand when you come back. things have changed so much. I met Tate Langdon. He reminds me of you. He's six years old but I can tell he's such a bright little man. I told his mother about you. She told me you're welcome anytime and maybe we can live there with your family. That would be lovely wouldn't. We can children running around we could be a family. I hope you get here soon.

Love, Elizabeth.

"That's enough for now," I whispered. He nodded his head. "she never mention to me about you. But I'm glad she didn't" He mumbled.

"What time is it?" I asked trying to stop tearing up.

"10:30 almost noon"

"Oh why can't time go faster. It's like we're stuck in the hell".

'The funeral It's in two hours. Do you plan on saying anything?"

"what's the point, Donovan! Everyone here is either dead, or like us" i laughed. "No one cared about her, except us"I started to cry. "they are probably so happy she's gone" He grabbed me and held on to me.

"Don't do this to yourself, again"

"Women age differently than men do. In a man, the left ventricle, the one  that pumps red blood into the body gets larger, thicker as it gets  older. In a woman, it shrinks. I am now more than a century old. My  heart must be just a few karats at this point. There is room there for  very little, so what still fits inside means more to me than ever. It  means everything." I read out loud to the small audience we had in the lobby.

"Some of you have known me, for a very long time. Some of you don't even know me. But I loved Countess, that's what you people call her but I called her Elizabeth. It amazes me how many people she impacted but they are not here. They were lost in another lifetime. I am apart of that legacy now. And I have to go to young guy's house and tell him the one woman that gave him knowledge of fairy tales is now dead, because of all the fools, and flatterers that were in her life that could not be trusted her heart became cold like ice. But luckily there was one small part of her heart that was still warm" I cried.

I looked at the few people . And realized I needed to go and see the one person that needs me more than anything.


"Where is he?" I asked Constance as I hung my coat up.

"He's upstairs. Take it slow"

I walked up the stairs and slowly opened the door. "Hey"

"Hey! You're back!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Yeah I am" I sat down on his bed. "Tate? I think you need to sit down"

"Okay, what's wrong?"

I couldn't hold back the tears. He went closer to me and held me "She's dead. Elizabeth she's dead"

"I just saw her, like a day ago. she can't be"He snarled.

"Tate I would know, I killed her. Someone tricked me and I stabbed her. " He didn't say anything he only held me as I cried.

"Lily you asked me who has my heart. You have it. You always have. Somehow. When you first saw me you can't deny that I wasn't familiar to you, you were familiar to me and it wasn't just the stories I heard about you. I think I was put on this earth to be a part of your life. Elizabeth came by and told me that something terrible might happen to her and she wanted to me to protect you if something bad really happened"


In The Near Future..somewhere

"Is this dress to much?"

He glanced at me from the other room. "I think it's just right"

I took a deep breathe. I looked at myself in the mirror. "I don't know you can still see it"

"Isn't that the point"He smiled coming up behind me and holding my arms.

"I guess. I just can't believe that it happen so soon" I turned around to face him. "She would of loved this."

"I know she would of"

A/N: So this is the final chapter obviously since it's epilogue. How do you feel? What are you thinking? Any Ideas? Comment your thoughts. I'm excited to say there is a sequel in Lily's future. What will it take us now? I want your opinions and ideas of what could happen? Who and what would you like to see next? I'm really excited for new adventures in the universe of a book. I'm so happy you guys enjoyed this so much as much as I did writing there were some hard things to write but then there were the fun things to write and I can't wait to continue.

goodnight my lovelies, for now anyway! <3<3<3

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