For The Mentally Insane

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Present day
"Countess request that you are demanded off the premises immediately" Liz smirked.

"Will you can tell countess to shove it up her ass" Donovan smirked waving his whiskey around.

"that be interesting to say but I rather not" Liz smirked back as she took the bottle away from Donovan.

" I've always liked you Liz but why do you have to be such a lap dog towards the countness?" Donovan asked

"Because there's this thing called loyalty" Liz smirked.

"May I get a drink?" A soft voice came out of nowhere, Donovan turned around to see the beauty he saw earlier.

"Liz her drink is on me" Donovan raised his glass to her she smiled and sat next to him. "Thank you" she seemed like she frazzled she reached for her purse and got out a cig and lit it up. She even made smoking seem beautiful.

"So what's your story, sweetie?" Liz asked as he poured some gin her glass. She smiled and took a sip of her drink. "I'm a local kind of.. Grew up in Oregon and when I turned twenty-one I moved here for a while I was a drifter but you know, I decided to get a job and now I'm here", "You seem like a trapped soul type of gal?" Liz asked adoring her story.

"You could say that. What about you, hun?" She smirked as she burned out her cig. "Oh me? I'm just a lady trying to live her life, you know" Liz explained. The girl with the long silk hair smiled and turned to Donovan with her legs crossed.

"What about you?" She asked taking another sip of her drink. Donovan paused for a moment deciding what to say. "I'm a layered guy" he mumbled, "take your time, I Have all time in the world so far" she smirked.

"You have no idea" Donovan thought.


As I laid on my bed I started to realize it was already about noon and I still haven't gotten out of bed. I looked at the clock and wrapped myself with the comforter and groaned. "Love?" He whispered as he caressed my hair.

"Yes?" I asked peaking my head out, he seemed sad, "I don't believe that you forgave me?" He mumbled out, I grabbed his face and pulled him closer.

"I did. Now please lay down with me some more?" I pouted. He still sat there thinking, maybe then I swear I saw a light bulb go off, " we are having dinner tonight in my apartment. Elizabeth is gone for the week." He spoke as he grabbed both my hands.

"Okay. What should I wear?" I asked cheerfully and Erie of what was going to possibly happen. "Anything you want tonight is a special night. Just for the two of us"

Present day

After a few drinks Donovan had learned some interesting things from this mystery girl besides her back story he learned that she adored the 90's era even though she was only a little girl she adored the music and her favorite color was purple on a good day anyway. She had told Donovan that she traveled a lot before ending up at the Cortez.

"So you still haven't told me what's your name?" Donovan gazed at her sparkling eyes.

"Oh yea I always seem to forget about that part of meeting people, my name is Lily", "That's a wonderful name" He smiled at her, causing her to laugh.

"It's not that great actually, it pretty generic in my opinion" she stumbled with her words as she finished her second drink. After a moment of silence that's when another man came up to the bar. John Lowe.

"Can I have the usual?" John spoke handing Liz some cash.

"hello, what's your purpose sir?" Lily asked leaning towards the detective.

"I don't really know my purpose but, on this badge it says I'm a detective" he smirks showing her his badge.

"John Lowe, now that's a name" She smiles at Donovan.

"Who are you? Are you another crazy resident in the infamous Cortez?" John asked looking at his drink, Lily looked a little puzzled, and then she chuckled "Only half of that, buddy" She snickered.

"Which one are you?" he glances back at her.

"that's part of the mystery isn't, detective?" she smirks, and finishes her drink and gets up from her seat. "Where are you going?" Donovan asked. "I have some important things to attend too, have a nice night Donovan, and so do you detective" john raised his glass to her and that's when she was gone.

"she seems interesting" John spoke.

"you have no idea" Donovan spoke as he finished his drink as well.

Lily walked up to elevator, and before the doors shut and hand stopped them. "Oh sorry, what floor?" she asked. she looked up and saw Tristan Duffy a model but she had no idea who he was. he guested six to her and she nodded and clicked six. "Who are you?" he asked fixing his hair like always. "I could ask you the same thing?" she smiled.

"I'm Tristan Duffy a majorly known model? wow i can't believe a girl such yourself don't know who I am? I'm surprised" he smirked. she shrugged her shoulders, "Well Mr. Duffy it's nice to meet you. I'm Lily" she held out her hand, and shuck his hand.

"Haven't seen you around before? you new?" he asked, she nodded. "Well, you should come to my house party, well technically it's not mine it's my girlfriends. You should come we're in room 230 it's a special room." he smiled at her.

'Why is it special?" lily asked.

"The old owner use to live in there, heard he was a psycho killer"


I decided to wear my favorite dress, it was red and silk. James did say tonight was a special night so I went all out. I grabbed all my things and headed to his room 230. before opening the door I fixed my hair and made sure that I looked perfect or almost perfect. He opened the door and my heart fluttered.

"I've been waiting" He smiled, as He let me in. there was table set up and it had dinner, and wonderful red roses in the middle of the table. "May I?" he held out a chair for me, and sat in it.

"this is wonderful" I smiled, as he kissed my cheek.

"Anything for my queen"

In that moment that's when I heard a high pitched scream, I got up from my chair suddenly startled. "What was that?" I demanded. "Nothing, it was nothing." he nervously mumbled."James..stop this I heard a woman scream". I followed the screaming and it lead to his bedroom door, i reached for the door knob, and opened the door.

"Oh god" i gasped. There was blood everywhere, my lips started to tremble. there was a woman bleeding everywhere it seemed like, all over his bed. he reached for me but that's when I went deeper into his bedroom. "James? why did you do something so terrible?" I asked turning to him.

"It's uncontrollable, i im- broken" he said as he fiddled with his fingers.

"I define a 'good person' as somebody who is fully conscious of their own limitations. They know their strengths, but they also know their 'shadow' - they know their weaknesses. In other words, they understand that there is no good without bad. Good and evil are really one, but we have broken them up in our consciousness. We polarize them." I spoke as I touched his cheek. I placed a kiss on his mouth, "I can fix you..and I will"

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