Coming To A Close

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Hey it's Loudlycasualstranger

This is not going be a happy message for you guys. I'm sorry :,(

I've written a lot on this and I love this story but if you haven't noticed the subtle hints in the story it may be coming to a close. Now.. Here comes the hardest part giving the ending a justified one. This is going to be a tough one personally I never wanted Ahs hotel Fanfic to end Because of the endless possibilities in my little brain of mine. But I have a question for you guys.. now if I do consider making a sequel of any would react is it something you guys want me to do.

This story will probably have at best five more chapter until the end unless you guys want a sequel. I'm never been really fond of the idea of a sequel for ahs fanfic primarily because of the shoe and the way it works..but this has been so amazing I'll willing to break that rule but this will be a different kind of sequel just for you guys to understand that. So let me know what you think? How you guys are feeling? I certainly don't want you guys to hate me so yeah.

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