Decieving Love

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Present day

So Donovan explained to me what his true plans were regarding Countess. It is apparent he's pretty heartbroken with her. I believe it was because he felt entitled to her since she saved him after he overdosed. It's a recurring thing, Elizabeth helping people in need.

"So this is all because she dumped you?" I asked as I ate my olive from my Martine.

"It started off that way but, no it's not just that trust me." Donovan explained as he fixed his hair. "What's the plan then?" He smiled at that comment, "Take everything away from her starting with you"

I bit the edge of my lip in hesitation and thought for a moment before speaking anything else, "How am I suppose to do that just leave her just like that? The last time I saw her we were going to run off together feelings like that don't just go away Donovan" I snapped.

"Trust me, if you do it correctly she'll won't even notice but before you break it off you have to lead her in so it hurts her even more"

"So make her think I'm I love with her and then hurt her"

"Yes like she does to others"

"Here she comes" he whispers to me as I turn to face her and smile. Bold I have to be bold. I got up from my chair and trapped her with a steamy kiss I made he think I couldn't help myself...I wanted her now. I let my hands wonder around her curves. I moved my hands down her waist and her hips. She stared to purr like a kitten I glanced at Donovan and he raised he his glass to this fast acting response.

"Ha I've been away from you way to long" I whispered into her ear as I trailed my fingers around her torso. I licked my lips and tighten my grip and pulled her as close as she could get. "Let's have some fun...babe"

She smiles and takes my hand and leads me towards the elevator I look back at Donovan I could tell he was going to have fun watching this party unravel.

She lead me into her bedroom and sat me on the bed. She unzipped her dress to reveal corset she placed both her hands and ran them down my thighs making my body tingle. It was going to be hard trying to deceive her like this.

"I remember the first time I saw you. It was the most amazing feeling you know. You were so pure in a world with so much pain and sorrow" she whispered into my ear.

Lies I kept telling myself that she was lying.

She grabbed my chin and kissed me, "I knew from the moment I saw you you were going to be light to my darkness"

"Enough talking" I whispered.

"Do you think she's going to be the key?" Iris asked cleaning up some blood stains, Donovan followed her into the bathroom.

"I hope so. She seems to be the only thing the countess truly loves besides those little monsters she has"


"What's that suppose to mean, Iris?"

"I'm just saying you always seem to fall for the wrong girl, and from the looks of it you crushing" Iris smirked.

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