You Should Be Scared Of Me

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He was just an average person you would see on the street. Perhaps a little kinder, though. He had a lot a friends which he would go out with and would always pay the bill. But once you get to know him, it is too late. That very day he invites you to his home to drink champagne, will be your last day. As he carries a drunk you to the bedroom, you already know you are dead. Then he lashes out his belt and starts whipping you. The torture begins. But you'll never know when it ends. It was his addiction. A psychopath. A murderer. A torturer.

Then when before you die, the last thing you will remember is the maniacal expression on his face and the words 'Go. To. Sleep.'

But, here's the thing. I wanted to feel that pain I know it sounds absurd but I knew that I was in love with him and all of his twisted lust. He was your torturer, your pain disguised as an angel. And even when you were crying on the floor, wondering why and praying the pain to stop, you still fucking loved him.

"You okay, Iris you seem distraught?" I came up to the check in counter.

"I'm good, just worried about Donovan. This plan, taking down Countess seems unachievable"

"Have hope" I smiled and then I felt him starring at me and I turn around to see him, James.

"You should be careful" She whispered to me.

"I couldn't even if I tried" I whispered back and walked towards him.

Before the door has even closed James wraps his arms around me from behind. One inhale of his scent and I want to turn around. His right hand drops to my thigh, pulling up the skirt that hangs so loose just above my knees. I couldn't move even if I tried, like his fingers have short circuited my mind in the best possible way. He turns me around and we tumble to the couch, his eyes searching mine. I smile and kiss him back as he knew I would. With my lips I feel his mouth stretching wider than it should, fighting between a grinning and kissing. We've done this so many times and it keeps on getting better.

James's finger tips are electric, they must be, for wherever they touch my skin tingles in a frenzy of static. As his hands move over my skin my body has a transitory paralysis, my mind unable to process the pleasure so fast. His head moves around to my left ear and he whispers what's coming next. Suddenly my body is off pause-mode and I pull back for a kiss that's both soft and hard. Both of us move in an intoxicated dance of limbs, never making the exact same moves twice, not in the decade we've been lovers. He's my cat-nip, I'm his whiskey on ice.

"We should try something new next time?" I whisper as I lay on top of him.

"LIke what?"

"Something more pleasurable for you", I look at him, "You need to remember I can't die"

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