Rudolph? What Kind Of Name Is That

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"I'm Rudolph Valentino." He went towards me and kissed my hand but I pulled it away in disgust,

"That didn't take that long" I snarled as I looked at Elizabeth. I walked towards the couch forgetting Constance was in the room she soon sat next to me. The other person was a woman that I certainly was not planning on even acknowledging.

"Elizabeth tells me, that you have kept company while we were 'trapped'?" The woman smiled smugly towards me. I bite my tough trying not to say anything I would regret. All I did was nod.

"Well, you suit her" She smiled again then she whispered "Slut material that's what she is" She whispered to Valentino and Elizabeth.

"what was that?" I spoke smiling.

"Oh nothing" Rudolph smirked at me and sat next to me and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Thank you for loving precious Elizabeth. She needs to be praised like a queen" He whispered to me.

"I didn't do that for anyone."

He looked at me and licked his lips which disturbed me. "Elizabeth can Natasha and Lily's friend Excuse us for a moment"

"Of course" Elizabeth smiled.

they soon all left the room leaving us alone.

"I hear that you are special" He spoke getting up to get a drink.

"What do you mean?"

"Is it true you'd twice?"


He looks at his drink and then looks at me. "Lily you are truly an American art form, has anyone told you that?"


He soon sat down again and scoot closer to me and grabbed my leg. causing me to feel really uncomfortable. "I love beautiful creatures". He started to kiss my neck causing me to quickly get up.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Rudolph? And by the what kind of stupid name is that !" I snarled pulling down my dress out of discomfort.

He stands up and pins me to the wall. "We all can be together"

"No! no. I wont let that happen."

"What about Elizabeth? Do you care what she wants"

I start to cry as he puts his hand up my dress. "Little mouse you are" He whispered.

I jolt pass him and open the door to see Natasha kissing Elizabeth leaving Constance in a awkward position. I instantly pull Natasha away from Elizabeth and kiss her.

I grab Elizabeth's face with tears in my face.

"I love you, I can't love strangers and you. It's either them or me?"

She looked upset but not enough, I let her go and leave with Constance, back to my room.

"I am so sorry that you had experience that" I spoke wiping the tears off my face.

She smiled at me, "I'm fine, Are you okay, Hun. What happen in there?"

I sit clasp down onto my bed and take a deep breathe. "Rudolph happened"

"It's seems a bit complicated"

"Tell me about it"

"She'll figure it out, if she really loves you you are okay. She's probably feeling overwhelmed to have someone from her past coming back into her life"

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