Who Do You Ship??

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Loudlycasualstranger here

So I would love to know who do you truly ship in this story..since I'm the writer I have so many reasons why I have so many ships.

First lily and Elizabeth

OMG!!! They are goals well sometimes

Elizabeth is so lesbian for Lily and that is everything a girl could ask for, you go GAGA.

Elizabeth is amazing she stayed in contact with Lily's family, her psycho family. I kind of think Tate and Elizabeth could even be a ship because their relationship is based off of Nora Montgomery and the way she treated Tate when he was young. So therefore Elizabeth is kind portraying Nora in a way so I ship it because I'm crazy.

lily and Mr. March

There are so many things wrong with this relationship but yet I can't back away from shipping them..He is the darkness and she is his light OMG I can't even.

lily and Donovan

Ha ha Donovan truly is madly in love with her just because she is kind of the only real "good person" he has met at the cortez. I hope he knows that they may never be a thing but a guy can keep trying and he will.

now don't hate on me but Tate and lily come on now you can't go not admitting that you have thought about them in a ship. It's like you want them together but obviously that is kind of weird but then they are very distant. but it's also cute think of them as siblings and they both care for each other.

Now tell me who you ship and why?

Love you guys!

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