The Monster In Us

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Present day

"What happened to get your knickers in a twist?" Liz smirked as he red the newspaper, Donovan looked confused.
"I did something I shouldn't have done" Donovan responded.

"What did you do now" Liz smirked as he placed the newspaper on the counter. "You know that new girl, lily" Donovan started,"well, I almost um ya know" Liz smiled and chuckled. Elizabeth started to walk towards the two of them and that's when she smelled it. She reached towards him and grabbed him by the neck and sniffed him and smiled, "I smell lust on you, Donovan. Who have you caught your eye on" Donovan readjust himself and struggled to get away from her grasp.

"It's non of your business" Donovan hissed as he finally got to his feet. "You know that it's always my business!" Elizabeth snapped as she pressed her face closer to his. Elizabeth started to chuckle and that's when she licked her lips, she walked away but then she stopped right in her tracks, "she's mine, Donovan. You remember that"

Later that day guests started to trail in and out like usual. John ended back at the hotel after his big meltdown, he seemed quite anxious more than usual anywho. Lily walked down the stairwell and caught her eye a pond John and that's when she walked up to the bar that seemed to be his hangout.

"How's the detective?" Lily smiled as she sat next to him. "I've been better I guess" John responded as he drank his drink. Lily took a deep sigh and started to mess with her bottom lip. "What happened?" John asked pointing at the the lip. "A failed attempt at a harmless hookup" lily smirked surprising John.
"Wouldn't of thought of you as a girl like that", "well, Mr. Detective I'm full of surprises"

That caused an uproar in John's mind, he examined lily from head to toe and that's when he went up to her and gave her a stern snarl of a glance.

"What do you want to do with me, detective?"

In that final decision John took her and slammed her against the wall and kissed her, out of pure lust. The only reason why lily was excepting this notion was she needed some sexual tension released after that incident with Donovan. She wasn't always this way she knew that for sure but being in the Cortez ignited something sinister in her. Soon after they finally made it to john's bed.
Afterwards I sat on his bed with the blanket wrapped around my upper body. I took a glance at his wall and noticed that there was a lot of crime photos taped on the entire wall.

"You're really obsessive aren't you?" I spoke as he got up from the bed.

"That's my job" he smirked as he pulled up his jeans

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