His Office

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Present day

"I swear to you, it was not a dream. I really saw him, Donovan." I snarled as he handed me some aspirin.

"I don't doubt that you did but we need to think why didn't he say anything to you or even explain why he was there in the first place" Donovan smiled as he walked to the other side of the bed.

"I need you to bring me to him now, not later. Donovan please I'll continue to help you with Elizabeth but please I need to see him" I pleaded as he sat next to me, I felt desperate.

He paused for a moment, he sat there thinking and then he told me to follow him out of the apartment, he lead me to room 64.

"This is his room. It use to be his office do you remember?" Donovan pointed to the two letters.

I gave that door a long good stare and that's when it happened, my memory flashed just like that. Donovan could tell right away that I knew what was behind that door he opened the door for me.

" go in. Present yourself  to him and maybe he'll appear. I'm not going in because him and I aren't really on very good terms right now" Donovan left me to my own devices, i lingered by the door for a while and then i finally let myself in.

It looked the same as it was when I had died. the only difference was there wasn't muchfurniture  in there to actually call it an office any more. I ran my hands on the bed, and started to remember the feeling of his hands on my body, I felt warm and loved whenever he was around. I decided to sit on the bed and lay back so i could see the ceiling.

"James why did this have to happen like this? We could of had something but you ruined that future" I whispered to myself.

I turned on my side and tears flooded down my cheek, then suddenly i felt something standing behind me.

"I let my own demons get ahead of me, now did I, Darling"

My body seemed like it was frozen, I was to frazzled to turn around. it's been years since i heard that voice.

"You know the truth though, I was not the one who killed you."

I turned to face him, his face the same as I left it, "but your sins lead her to do it!" I cried out, pounding on his chest in anger, he held me before i started to crumble to the floor.

"After all these years, you still linger towards her" he whispered, i knew he was talking about Elizabeth.

"I had to, she was the only person who was truthful with me.. and she saved me"

He took ahold of my face in anger, "She didn't save you, she cursed you just so she would have to be alone", he let go of me in a harsh tone, and i fell back to the bed.

"So you wouldn't of done the same thing if you could of?" I whispered, he kneeled before me with sincere eyes, "you know I would of done anything to have you back, but darling that's not how death is suppose to work and you know it"

I felt hurt by that, and then he stood back up and readjust his bow tie and stood before me.

"So..if you haven't realized I'm with elizabeth now..she wants to go away, to somewhere nice"

"If you truly love her, you will follow her", I looked at him, "that's why I came to see you, to see if what we had was still there." I whispered into his ear, as i pulled him closer.

"Lily" He murmured before taking off his jacket.

"you were the only kind of evil i wanted in my life, you were my sin."

"And you were my only good deed"

Before we knew it we both had our clothes off. He wrapped his arms around me and looked at me for a moment and moved a strand of my hair out of my face. The monster that was inside me called lust was dying inside. He smiled at me and embraced me in a kiss, his tough crashing onto my lips leaving a silk shinny coat over them.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to be with you again" he purred as he nibbled down my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"I might have an idea" I teased as I ran my hands through his hair.



"Do you still love her?"

"Do you?"


I stared into his eyes for a moment and then smiled, I kissed him and ran my hands down his back. I knew then what I had to do, it had to be done in order for me and James to be together forever i would have to kill Elizabeth the other love of my life.

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