Chapter 1

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"Hiiiccuuuup!" Yelled Valka, "Breakfast is ready!" Hiccup groaned and rolled over in bed. "Hiccup! Don't make me come up there!" Hiccup was up in a flash. He didn't waste time when his father warned about going into his room.
"Good morning mom and dad," Hiccup yawned. Breakfast was leftover fish soup and bread.
Eating breakfast was quiet. No one spoke, mainly because everyone was still half asleep. After breakfast Hiccup went back up upstairs and put on his favorite brown fur vest and went outside with Toothless. They went out to Ravens Point, back to the cove where the two friend connected. They often went there to play. It was the ideal hangout place. The only other person who knows about this place is Hiccup's good friend, Astrid.
When they got there something felt off. There was frost along the far edge of the pond. Toothless and Hiccup exchanged curious glances.
"I'm going to go check it out."
While Hiccup went to pond, Toothless decided to take a nap. Slow burn in a circle to make a warm bed.
Down at the waters edge Hiccup placed his hand on the frost. Cold. Duh.
*snap* Hiccup flinched and slowly turned around. What he saw to his amazement was a white haired boy, barefoot, dressed in nothing but a blue sweater and brown leggings.
"Uhhh?" Hiccup said suspiciously, "Who are you?"

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