Chapter 10

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Sorry it's short but I thought it would be better if it was short -- chapter 11 soon to come! 😊


A while later the sun started to set. Hiccup was drawing in the dirt with a stick and Jack was curled up sleeping. They caught fish in the water hole and created a campfire for lunch. Hiccup nudged his friend. "Jack?" He whispered, "wake up, we should get back." Jack groaned and moved slightly.

The next thing Hiccup new his back slammed to the ground and hovering over him was his now wide awake friend. Jack had a look of passion in his eyes before he lowered his lips down to meet Hiccup's. Hiccup was surprised by Jack's sudden action but soon melted into Jack's kiss. When the kiss ended, the two boys looked into each other's shimmering orbs. Icy blue got lost in forest green.
"M-maybe we could stay a little longer?" Jack pleaded, straddling Hiccup, and giving the cutest puppy dog face ever. All Hiccup could do was nod in agreement.

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