Chapter 3

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Hiccup waited at the cove for several hours before Jack showed up there.
"Here" Hiccup said as he tossed a sandwiches towards the boy. "Thanks," he replied and scoffed down the food he was given. He wiped his mouth clean with his sleeve and smiled.
This same event happened everyday for the next two weeks. During these two weeks they two boys became close friends. Hiccup gladly brought Jack to his house often.  Hiccup learned that Jack lost his parents a couple years ago and was living all over the place since. Jack learned that Hiccup was the son of the chief of the tribe. Eventually it felt like Jack had become part of the Haddock family. Stoick and Valka were very nice to Jack, and Jack was nice in return.
"So how's school?" Asked Valka to Jack one day while he was over for dinner. Hiccup's parents think that Jack goes to school with Hiccup, and is an exchange student from the tribe on the other side of the forest. "Oh it's good.." Jack trailed off. He doesn't even go to school. He has no permanent home. Most people called him an interloper whenever he was found some place he wasn't wanted. The Haddock family was the first of so many to happily have him around. Jack, in a long time felt happy.

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