Chapter 16

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A/N -- I have a question for my readers
Do you like it when I make short chapters like this and like chapter 10? I can make them longer, but splitting the up just feels right for the story. 🔆 Feedback please! I'll take constructive criticism!!

Throughout dinner there was small talk, consisting of many questions towards Jack. Dinner was finished in about 20 minutes and Jack and Hiccup went up to hiccup's room. They sat on the couch where they shared their first kiss. Jack, remembering the moment quite clearly turned a light shade of pink. He looked away hoping Hiccup wouldn't see him. Hiccup peered at his friend only to see him blushing too. Jack turned his head to check on Hiccup and blushed harder when their eyes locked. Hiccup smiled brightly.
"S-So," Jack said obviously embarrassed.
"What do you wanna do?"
"Wanna go for a walk?"
The new lovers put on warm jackets and went out for a walk in the night. They brought a blanket so they could lie on the grass and stargaze. Seemed like a nice way to end an eventful day. They walked about 10 minutes to the nearby town park. They spread out the blanket and lay next to each other.
Even though the two boys had know each other for about 2 months, and were very close, they felt awkward lying next to each other.
Hiccup pointed out different constellations and told stories about different one.
"The Ursa Major constellation, tunes every season, but do you want to know why it does?" Hiccup asks hinting that he wanted to tell the story."

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