Chapter 30

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A/N: an update! On time! Not late! Yes!

Jack was walking through the town, asking people if they've seen Hiccup. Everyone said no. He entered the store and looked around. No sign of him. Jack was starting to get worried.
"Where could he be?!" Be pondered to himself.
Jack decided to go back home. Maybe he passed him and he's at home looking for him. Jack took a deep calming breath and headed back home.

~back at the storage building~

"Astrid! Untie me!"
But to Hiccup's surprise, it wasn't Astrid to walked in.

Hiccup's POV

Wait! That's not Astrid. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. The bright morning sun outside created a silhouette of a tall figure. The figure clapped his hands and the door closed. Darkness again. Once more I head the clap of hands and lights filled the room. It took a couple seconds for my eyes to adjust and for me to realize who the mysterious spears on was.

I didn't recognize this person. The person was tall, dressed in black and had grey skin. It came over to me and lifted my chin so I could meet his gaze. I saw his eyes look me over and a smirk spread across his face. I gulped, not knowing what was I store for me.
"W-who are you?" I asked
He chuckled and then spoke. His voice was deep and he spoke in a hushed tone.

"The name is," he paused, "Pitch"

Astrid's POV

I laughed to myself as I walked down the street, swinging the bag of fresh fruit in my hand.
"Excuse me!" I turned my head over my shoulder. A boy with white hair had stopped me. He was out of breath, looked like he had been running.
"What?" I knew who he was. He was the one who took Hiccup away from me. I scowled at him. I saw him gulp and then open his mouth to speak.
"Have you seen a Hiccup Haddock? He has brown hair and gre-" I put my hand up to silence him.
"I know what that toothpick looks like."
He blinked in slight confusion.
"Well then, have you seen him?"
I turned away and attempted to walk away.
"Please! Have you seen him?"
I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him again.
"Yes I've seen him." His eyes lit up.
"Where? When?!"
"A couple minutes ago." I was being careful to to tell him too much. I can't have him finding my precious Hiccup just yet.
I smirked and looked down at the bag of fruit.
"Hey, were you just at the store? Did you see him there? He was picking up something there too!"
"He was at the store, in fact. He bought these. Unfortunately he got a little... Held up so I offered to take them to his place."
"Held up how?"
Man this kid asks so many questions. He's getting on my nerves. I checked my watch. It's now 9 am. I've gotta head back to the storage building. But he's not going tow leave me alone. I had to think of something. Not knowing exactly what to do. I punched him, hard, right in the stomach and took off running. I heard him groan. I ran, fast to the storage building.
Little did she know, Jack shook away the pain and had followed her.

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