Chapter 25

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A/N: super sorry for not posting this yesterday! I was hanging out with my friend-well no time to read about my excuse~ here's the next chapter!

"Right.. Hiccup what were you dreaming about?"
Still hugging his boyfriend tightly Hiccup explained about his night terror. When his story was finished Jack gave a small laugh.
"Why are you laughing?! Do you think it was funny how I was being punched?!" Hiccup asked shocked, thinking at he was laughing at is night terror.
"Oh no, not that. It's just, I'm happy you were sticking up for me. I love you very much."
Hiccup sighed in relief and smiled at his lover.
"Right, well it's probably about the time to head back," Jack said standing and reaching his hand down to the brunette.
"We should get going."
Hiccup took Jack's and and stood up. Not letting go of the snowy haired males hand the two walked back out of the forest and back towards home.
Eager to help with making the lasagna the two scurried along. When the arrives home they saw pots on the stove and a pan for the lasagna. The counter was full of different types of cheese. Cheese, being one of hiccups favorite foods, almost as if magic, made hiccup walk over to it in a trance like state.
"No cheese yet Hiccup!" Valka said as she was stirring the sauce. "We need all the cheese we can. Only after we finished making the lasagna, you can have the leftover cheese."
Hiccup sighed defeated.
"I'll leave Jack to spreading the cheese," Valka laughed, "you can spread the sauce instead Hiccup!"
With all the help around the kitchen dinner was ready in no time.
Everyone sat at the table and ate. It was a quiet dinner, and after they ate, Valka exempted  the boys from the chores.
In the game room Hiccup and Jack set up to play the Wii.
"Mario Cart?"
"Mario Cart."
The two lover grinned at each other.
"I won't loose this time!" Hiccup declared.
Laughing, Hiccup slid the disk into the Wii and got the two steering wheels.

Even though Jack had never used a Wii before, or played Mario Cart, he had beaten Hiccup every time. You could call him a natural.


"Since you've never played this before il go easy on you." Hiccup said and selected yoshi falls, the easiest course.
"3 - 2 - 1 GO!" Showed on the screen and off the two boys went. Hiccup had selected Donkey Kong, and Jack had chosen Bowser. By lap two Jack was way ahead of all the characters.
"How are you so good at this?!" Hiccup ashes shocked as he tried to catch up from his 8th place position.
"I don't know. I've never played a Wii before. I guess I'm a natural"

~ end of flashback~

It was the final match in the solo races. They had chosen the coconut mall to determine the winner.
Hiccup silently cheered because he was good at this one, but so was Jack.
"3 - 2 - 1 GO!"
Up the escalator, through the hall ~
"Do do do do dooo" the tv sounded, telling them they were on their last lap. Hiccup and Jack were neck and neck for 1st place.
Hiccup was bit his tongue in concentration as he volleyed the first colored prize cube. A banana. He miraculously passed Jack and used this opportunity to those the banana behind. Succeeding, Jack slid across the banana, putting him behind his boyfriend.
"No fair!"
"Of course it's fair!" Hiccup smiled and playfully stuck his tongue out.
"If you win you'll have to be punished for making me lose." Jack warned as Hiccup crossed the finish line.
Hiccup's eyes widened, and turned to his snowy haired boyfriend.

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