Chapter 19

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Jack hoped it was dark enough in the room so that Hiccup couldn't see his tomato red face. He climbed into the bed and under the covers, leaving plenty of enough room between themselves.
There was a terrible awkward silence.
"Um~ your bed is warm." Jack says
"Thanks," Hiccup replied.
The lovers sat next to each other leaning against the head board. Just then Hiccup took a remote and clicked a button. The next moment maybe a couple dozen stars appears on the ceiling.
Hiccup settled down into his covers, back to Jack, pulling them to his chin. Jack did the same. Backs to each other, both lay away, hearts racing.
After about five minutes later, Hiccup whispered something,
"Jack, are you awake?"
Hiccup shifted in the covers to face Jack's back. He placed his hand on Jack's back. Jack turned to face Hiccup and gave a small side smirk. For a while all the two did was looking into each other's sparkling eyes. Happy to feel loved, Jack took the chance and scooted closer to his boyfriend.
"Is this ok?" He asked timidly.
Hiccup nodded. Jack soon closed his eyes and his breathing pattern became steady. Hiccup on the other hand, couldn't help but stare at Jack's adorable sleeping face. Hiccup reached out and brushed away the white haired boys bangs. Jack stirred in his sleep and slowly cracked open his eyes.
"Hiccup?" He asked, "Is everything ok?"
"Shoot I woke him up!" Thought Hiccup,
"N-no nothing is wrong" he blushed, "go back to sleep."
"Mmmm~ ok, night" he said and closed his icy blue eyes again.
Hiccup bit his lower lip and the made the move of kissing Jack's forehead.
Hiccup could see a smile form on Jack's face as he fell back to sleep. Hiccup, feeling content, soon fell asleep after.

A/N: I'm running out of ideas 😁 I have ideas for about 5 more chapters but after that idk 🔆 maybe something will come to me but just letting you guys know

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