Chapter 21

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A/N: putting off homework to write this 🔆 enjoy!

Hiccup and Jack's jaws drop. They glance at each other, speechless.
"Wh- what?" Hiccup finally asked.
"Stoick and I have been discussing this for a while. Jack, do you want to live with us?" Valka asked, "Would you like to become part of our family?"
All eyes were on Jack as the Haddock family waited for an answer.
Jack's face had turned red and tears formed at the corners of his eyes. He nodded and looked at the Haddocks.
"Yes!" He wiped away the tears only to replaced by new ones. Hiccup hugged Jack tightly and Jack happily returned the hug.
"It's settled then!" Valka cheered
"We'll set up your own room and you may decorate it however you'd like to." Explains Stoick. Jack nods understandingly, still trying to take in that he has a place to stay with loving people.
"Well let's eat or the food with her cold," Stoick grins digging into his scrambled eggs.

After breakfast Hiccup, Jack, Stoick, and Valka pile into the Haddock family car and drive for about an hour to IKEA. Once they arrived they spent a few hours exploring the huge store, picking out items to go in Jack's new room.

It had been well over 2 hours and they had decided to eat at the cafeteria in the store.
"So what do you think of the place?" Hiccup asked munching on a chicken finger.
"It's amazing! I've never been to a store this large before. Thank you so much for bringing me here!"
"No problem! The things here don't cost that much so feel free to pick out what you want" offers Valka.
Jack nods, "cool thanks"

After they are finished eating they finish walking through the store. In the end Jack has picked out a small bed stand, mirror, clock, fold-away desk, chair, and a bedspread set covered in snowflakes.
The Haddocks and Jack head to the check out area where each item is scanned. Not wanting Jack to feel bad for how much they pay, they tell him and Hiccup to buy themselves ice cream cones from the café a couple stores down. Hiccup and Jack smile at each other, Hiccup hugs his parents, and the two walk quickly away.

Valka and Stoick chuckle as they watch the two excitedly speed walk towards the exit.
"The total comes to $150 even" the cashier says. Stoick hands her the silver piece of plastic, and that famous beep sound letting you know the transaction is complete.

After putting the purchased items in the car, Valka and Stoick decided to treat themselves to ice cream too.

Meanwhile, Jack and Hiccup had ordered already and were sitting at a booth. Hiccup ordered a chocolate chip cookie dough double scoop ice cream cone, where as Jack bought a, rather large, cherry mango Popsicle.
Hiccup clutched his head, squeezed his eyes shut, and groaned.
Jack's eyes widened, "Hiccup?!"
"B- Brain freeze!" He stuttered.
After a couple seconds it went away and they two chuckled to each other.

A ring of a bell signaled someone coming into the shop.
"Mom! Dad! Over here!" Hiccup waved them over and the two sat at the booth across from them. Valka then stood up again to order she and Stoick's ice cream.
"Enjoyin the food?"
They boys nodded
Valka came back with two small bowls of vanilla chocolate swirl soft serve. Before long everyone was down eating and the four walked back to the car to drive home.
"I'd call this day a success!" Valka smiled.

On the way home, Hiccup started to doze off, leaning into Jack's warm hoodie. Seeing his boyfriend so cute while sleeping Jack took the opportunity to snap a secret selfie with Hiccup.

It wasn't long until the two boys were fast asleep in the back of the haddock car.

A/N: forget what I said a while ago about running out of ideas for this story.. One came to me and you guys are gonna love it! (Well hopefully! 😋)

Anyways your welcome for making this chapter longer than usual ones! I'm going to try to write more in each chapter but we will see how that turns out 🔆

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