Chapter 15

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"Have a seat" Valka says and gestures to the couch across from her. Hiccup and Jack sit on one couch, Stoick and Valka on the other. With Toothless in his arms, Jack opens his mouth to speak. Although before any words come out Hiccup stands and speaks.
"Mom, dad," Hiccup says and takes Jack's hand in his. He looks down and smiles as Jack looks up confused as to what he's doing. "Jack and I are going out now. As of about an hour ago." He says with passion. Jack bites his tongue. He wasn't quite ready to tell them yet. He shrugs it off quickly when Hiccup looks at him with a spark of love in his eyes. Jack smiles back and squeeze his hand. They both look to Valka and Stoick. Their faces are frozen in shock. Valka is the first to change her expression to a warm smile.
"You have my approval," she smiles, "hi two are such great friends."
Stoick remains stoic until Valka nudges his arm.
"I'm happy for you son," he says simply and smiles. Happy with their answer Hiccup sits back down next to Jack. Valka claps her hands together.
"Well I should probably start preparing for dinner. I'm making Hiccup's favorite, lasagna."
Stoick stands up with his wife and they both he's into the kitchen, leaving Jack and Hiccup alone. They look into each other's eyes and for what seemed like forever, just sat there. After a couple minutes Jack breaks the silence. "I'm happy they approved." Hiccup nods, "me too. I was a little worried when they didn't say anything though. But I'm so happy!"
He wraps his arms around Jack's torso and hugs tightly. Jack happily hugs back.

Soon it was time to eat and Jack was invited to stay for the night.
"Jack, I've been wondering," Stoick starts, "When you weren't staying at our house, where were you staying? Do you have someone you stayed with?"
Jack shook his head and pursed his lips together. He didn't want them to pity him.
"So where were you staying?"
"I have a shelter not to far from here in the woods where I've been staying for the past couple years. It's small but it has a room and a rather uncomfortable bed, but I've gotten used to it." he laughs softly. "Please don't look at me that way." He blushes slightly at the Haddock's staring at him with sorrowful expressions. 

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