Chapter 23

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A/N: ah ha ha 😅 I didn't forget about posting this earlier today... Ok so I did but I'm not late on the post date! It's still being posted on Sunday! The next chapter will have Hiccup and Jack go on a date (as requested)

Jack follows Hiccup into his room and picks up the small ebony colored cat too.

"We should go to bed now so we can wake up early and start on your room!" Hiccup suggested. Jack nodded and got into Hiccup's bed. He took off his sweater revealing his bare chest. Hiccup stared at his boyfriend before snapping back to reality and blushed. He forgot that Jack was pretty skinny. You could see his rib cage. Hiccup didn't mind though, he loved Jack for who he is.
Jack smiled and patted the bed.
"C'mon, we've slept together before. Why are you getting nervous?" He smiled.
"Um~ no reason." Hiccup blushed and climbed into the bed, snuggling to his boyfriend.
Jack wrapped his arm around hiccups waist and pulled him close so they were spooning each other. Hiccup squeaked but then rested his arm over Jack's.

The next morning Hiccup awoke to Toothless scratching at the door to get out. He lazily got out of bed to open the door.
"Hiccup where are you going?" Jack asked frantically sitting up.
"No where, I was just letting Toothless out of the room. It's alight go back to sleep."
Jack nodded, brought the covers back up to his chin, and rested against he headboard.
Hiccup clomped back over to the bed and flopped down.
"What is it?"
"I'm tiiiirrreddd"
"You can go back to sleep." Jack offered
"But your awake so I should be awake too."
Jack smiled at Hiccup's thoughtfulness. Just as he was about to protest for the brunette to go back to bed he heard a small snore. He chuckled and lay down next to his lover. He pulled Hiccup close to him and closed his eyes too.

About an hour later Hiccup rose again, this time feeling more awake. Jack was already awake and sitting in a chair by the window. Hiccup trudged over and hugged Jack from behind.
"Oh you're awake!"
"Yup! And I feel a lot more awake now!"
"What are you doing?"
"Staring out the window. I was watching two squirrels play in the yard. Since you're awake now, let's go have some breakfast."
Hiccup nodded, "then we can start on your room!"
The boys sauntered downstairs to see Stoick and Valka sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee and reading the newspaper together.
"Morning mom! Morning dad!"
The husband and wife turned around to see Hiccup grinning, and Jack smiling politely back.
"Hiccup! You slept well I see."
"Yeah! I feel great!"
"How about you? Did you sleep well too Jack?" He nodded.
"Jack and I are going to organized his room today!" Hiccup said reaching for the box of cereal in the cupboard.
"Hey did I shrink?!" He exclaimed frustrated he couldn't reach it.
Jack laughed and reached up with ease to get it down.
Hiccup stuck out his tongue playfully.  Jack did the same.
By now Jack knew his way around the hide so I grabbed two bowls, cups, and spoons.

Once breakfast was served and eaten thee boys went into Jack's room.
"Where should we start?"
"I think we should set up my bed frame first."
"Good idea since it's the largest of all the things in here."
Within a good 1/2 hour to 45 minutes later, Jack's bed frame was made. Next was the box spring and mattress.
With two strong boys they lifted each into the frame then spread the sheets down.
"Great! That didn't take that long!"

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