Chapter 17

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A/N: The short story about the Big Dipper I actually wrote a couple years ago in some writing class I took so I am not copying and pasting a story I found on the interweb! 😋


"ooo! Do tell this story!" Jack said staring up at the, so called, "Big Dipper."
"Well, there are many stories told about this constellation depending on the culture. I'll tell you my favorite though."
Lying on his back, Hiccup put his hands behind his head, and started the story of "Ursa Major".


"This story is about a nymph, named Callisto. The story has many different versions, and comes from many cultures such as the Greeks, Romans, and Babylonians. The Greek version involves a love story.  One day, the God Jupiter saw Callisto and fell in love. The problem was that Jupiter already had a wife named Juno. When Juno found out that her husband was in love with someone else she became jealous. Later, Juno discovered that Callisto was pregnant, and was going to give birth to a boy. When the baby was born, Callisto named him Arcas. Juno assumed that the father of the baby was Jupiter and she became furious. To punish Callisto, she turned her into a bear. During the next fifteen years, Arcas grew up to be an archer and Callisto stayed a bear, running and hiding from hunters. One day Callisto saw Arcas walking in the woods and ran to him, forgetting that she was a bear. When Arcas saw her he became scared and drew an arrow and shot her. Before the arrow could reach Callisto, Jupiter stopped it. To prevent Juno from finding out what he did, he turned Arcas into a bear, and sent both Callisto and Arcas into the sky. Juno did find out though, and she went to the gods of the sea to persuade them never to let the bears step into the northern waters. This is probably why the bears don't appear to go below the horizon, or into the northern waters"
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"Wow! That's a great story!" Jack smiles, "I can't believe you remembered that much honestly."
"Haha, my parents told me that story many times so I pretty have it memorized by heart. We should head back though," Hiccup says sitting up and looking down at Jack.
"Oh alright" Jack says giving in and sitting up. Under the light of the moon and stars the two lovers look into each other's glossy orbs. Both were very content, there was love in the air.
Hiccup closed his eyes and took a deep breath of night air. Jack's face became a red as he looked at Hiccup's smiling lips. He wanted to kiss them. Jack took his hand and cupped Hiccup's cheek, turning it towards him. Blushing Hiccup opened his eyes, only to close them a second later, falling into Jack's kiss.

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