Chapter 40

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A/N: I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter! Yay!!


"Uh, wait!" I called out.
The two boys turned around with a slightly confused look on their faces.
"Yes?" The brunette asked.
"Ummm," I sorta froze, "I well, Jack?"
Jack glanced at he brunette. "Yes?"
"I.. " golly this is actually pretty nerve racking, "I was- Iwastheonewhocalledthepolicetogetyou!"
I blurted then stuck my cap on my head which I had been fumbling with in my hands.
I watched as the two exchanged glances then back at me. Then once, twice, three times more.
Jack got down on his knee in front of me then placed his, somewhat cold hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you," he smiled, "what's your name?"
"I'm Matty"
"Well Matty," the brunette says softly, "I'm Hiccup. This is, who you already know, Jack Frost, he's my boyfriend. Can you tell us something?" He crouches down next to Jack. I nod. "Can you tell us how you came across Jack?"
I nodded again, "not here though."
"I know a place we can chat!" Hiccup smiled and began walking. Jack and I closely followed until I was brought to a small cove in the woods. There, we sat and I told them what they wanted to know.

"I had been taking a walk along the outskirts of the town for no apparent reason, I had nothing better to do. Everything was just dandy until I heard the sound of someone yelling inside the building. I peaked in and well..... Anyways I then got flashbacks of when I was.... I know what you were going through and I couldn't sit and watch. I took out this," I pulled out my small black and blue flip phone, "and called 911. I then took off. I didn't want to be found by them."
"Matty. I want to thank you once again. You probably saved my life!"
Jack held up his fist and I fist bumped him back. I did the same with Hiccup.
Once I had warmed up to them, I began to tell them other stories. Things like how I take walks often and about one time when I was walking I found a really tall tree and slept in it for the night.
"Say Matty? How old are you?" Hiccup asked
"Hmm ok, just wondering. By the way shouldn't you be getting home? It's 4 o'clock, your parents might be worried about you."
"Yeah, I'm sure my parent is really 'worried' " I air quoted worried. My step father cares nothing about me. He just pretended to like me for my moms money. Then when she died, he really didn't care. He abused me and raped me. I felt tears start to pool in my eyes as I thought about my mom and how I missed her.
"Matty? Are you alright?" Jack and Hiccup asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, anyways.. Could I uh, stay with you tonight? I don't want to go back. It's Friday night and that's when Jake gets tipsy with his friends at the bar then brings them home to party."
Hiccup nodded and brought me to his house, Jack came too.
Hiccup's parents were very friendly and offered me spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, which I gladly accepted.
After dinner, Hiccup and Valka set me up to stay in Jack's room. I asked where Jack was going to sleep, but I already knew. Hiccup blushed a crimson red and I laughed out loud. Once I was settled Hiccup left me to my own business for the rest of the night.

Hiccup's POV

"Jack, I want to talk about Matty."

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