Chapter 35

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A/N: so it's not the most action packed chapter but stick with it! I needed a little filler chapter so I could get to the part with.. Oops! Not gonna spoil what's coming up in the next chapter! 😝😋


"Jack" Hiccup squeazed his boyfriends hand, a little teary eyed, "I had no idea."
"That's ok. Nobody knew, well up until now. Now that I've let that out, I feel a lot better. But now, you see why I have to go after Pitch. I'm older and stronger now. I am take him on. Please let me do this!"
Jack looked into Hiccup's eyes, pleading for approval.
Hiccup looked back at his boyfriend's eyes begging him to say yes. He took a deep breath then nodded. "Just please come back alive. From your story he seems much stronger than what... I experienced."
"Thank you." Jack stood up, nodded his head to the Haddocks' then went into his room.
Toothless was laying on is small bed, sleeping peacefully. Jack picked up the ebony colored cat and place him in his lap.
"I'm leaving tonight." He whispered

~ meanwhile with the Haddocks' ~

The three of them sat there in silence until they heard Jack's door close.
"That was some story" Stoick said.
"Yeah, I feel bad for him." Valka sighed
"Me too but Jack is the kind of person who wouldn't want people to give him sympathy. He's just not that kind of guy." Hiccup explained. He looked up the stairs where Jack has just walked.
"I still think we should do something about this man. He raped my son!" Stoick said with anger in his voice.
"I know Stoick. We need to do something. And I have the perfect idea." Valka smiled, "my friends from my high school days, Toothania, Eret, and Kate were always sneaking around, spying and snooping around for things. I'm sure they could keep an eye on Jack when he goes out, as well as investigate on Mr. Black."
"I remember them. Kate always used to punch my arm as if it were a punching bag. Eret always was on top of every little thing going on, like he was some sort of psychic. Toothania was always constantly hyper and running around doing things." Stoick laughed and soon Valka and Hiccup were too.
"Thanks mom." Hiccup said, "I'm glad you care about Jack as much as I do." He got up and hugged big his parents. Then he went into his own room to do a little research on Pitch. When lunch came around and Jack didn't come down, hiccup was a little worried, but figured he'd come down if he was really hungry.
Hiccup went back to researching until dinner, when Jack still didn't come down Hiccup brought him food and stayed with him.


Jack stayed in his room for the rest of that day, not even eating lunch. Hiccup brought him some dinner and stayed with him, but he only ate the bread.
"Jack are you okay?" Hiccup rubbed Jack's back as he lay face down on his bed.
"Yeah, I'm just thinking."
"Well I'm here if you need me." He kissed the snowflake then got up and left. He figured he just needs some time to himself. I'm sure he'll be back to himself soon.

~ later that night ~

It was around 11:30 at night. He heard the steady, loud snoring coming from Stoick, which signaled that everyone else must be asleep too. Jack took another bite from the rolls Hiccup had brought him for dinner. He pulled on his blue snowy sweatshirt and opened his bedroom window as carefully and quietly as he could.
"I haven't done this in a while" Jack thought. He looked back at his small room.
"I'll be back soon."
With that as his final sentence for the night, Jack flew out the window.

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