Chatpter 20

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A/N: yay I reached my goal of at least 20 chapters! Hazahh!!! No worries though! I'm not finished writing! (I'm even a day early in updating!)

"Are you sure?" asked Stoick to his wife.
Valka nodded, "I think it's for the best. Hell be happy."
"Ok, we'll tell them tomorrow"
"Sounds good"
The husband and wife take hands and head to their own room for the night.

The next morning Jack is the first to wake. He try's to move, but fails due to the fact that Hiccup has his arm and leg wrapped around him. Jack smiles, he forgot that he was sleeping with Hiccup, maybe that's why he slept so well. Hiccup moves in his sleep, and soon wakes to Jack looking at him.
Hiccup immediately turned red up to his ears.
"Good morning Hiccup," Jack smiles, "how did you sleep?"
"F-fine. Um uh, how long have you been awake?"
"A couple minutes."
"T-then why didn't you wake- wake me up?"
"You looked cute sleeping"
"That's so embarrassing!" Hiccup whined and pulled the covers up over his head. Jack just smiled and went under the covers too.
"Found you," he whispered

"Hiccup!! Jack!! Breakfast is almost ready, common downstairs please." Valka called from the bottom of the stairs.
"Let's get up," Jack smiled, and gave Hiccup a quick peck on the cheek.
Hiccup's eyes widened ,and before he could react Jack was already up, straightening out his clothes, and running his fingers through his bed head.
Hiccup peaked out from the covers watching his boyfriend. Jack turned around from looking at himself I. The mirror,
"Are you getting up?"
Hiccup snapped out of his daze,
"Oh right, coming!"

"Good morning" Stoick grinned holding up a plate of bacon and sausage in one hand, and scrambled eggs in the other.
"Hello" Valka smiled and popped her head out from behind Stoick. She held up a pate of toasted bread, "ok this is all for breakfast." They set the food dishes on the table and chanted,
"Dig in!"
"Thank you for the food!"
A couple minutes after starting to eat Valka nudged Stoick.
Stoick, completely in his own world of eating, looked at Valka questionably, "hmm?"
Valka sighed and pointed with her eyes at Hiccup and Jack.
"Oh right," he cleared his throat and looked at the two boys sitting next to each other.
"Jack~" he paused not knowing how to go on.
"Jack, my husband and I were up late last night, and well we-"
All of a sudden Stoick burst in,
"-we want you to live with us, and be part of our family."

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