Chapter 28

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A/N: so it's a day late 😅 oops?

The next morning, Hiccup decided to rise early to go and get some ingredients for berry pancakes at the supermarket. He wrote a note and left it on the kitchen counter.

Hiccup quietly snuck out of the house and walked a couple blocks to Walmart.

With about $10 in his pocket, Hiccup bought: strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

"I can't wait to make these!" Hiccup squealed as he turned the last corner to his house. He stopped in his tracks when  a blond haired figure step into his path from behind a tree.


"Oh! Uhh hey A- Astrid." Hiccup looked around to see if anyone was around.
To be honest, Hiccup was a bit nervous around her. He had dumped her, specifically because he was always being pushed around by her.

"Whatcha got there?" Astrid asked peering into the shopping bag.
"Just fruit."
"That's cool."
"So, uh, not to be rude, but I need to get home now." He stepped to the left but Astrid was quick and blocked his path.
Step to the right, blocked.
Back to the left, blocked.
"Astrid plea~ mmmph!"

Hiccup's POV

"Astrid plea~ mmmph!" I couldn't even finish what I was going to say before being muffled by a mysterious hand from behind me. I then got a blow to the stomach. Next thing I knew my vision began to blur and I passed out.

I regained consciousness and slowly opened my eyes.
It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to where I was.
Cold ground with a bunch of boxes around me. I must be in some sort of storage unit.
I tried moving, but to no avail. My arms and feet were tired together.
"Are you awake?" A females voice asked.
I looked around with my eyes and found a shadow sitting across the room on a box.
I knew immediately that it was Astrid. Even in the poor light, I'd know that side braid anywhere.
"Why did you do this Astird?!"
I shouted.
She put her hands other head. "Don't yell, it's still pretty early. Only about 7am."
Jack! Mom! Dad! Even Toothless! Where are they?
"Why? Did you do anything to Jack?!"
"Tsk. Why is everything about Jack? Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack Frost. I'm sick of hearing his name. Don't ever say it again."
I struggled to get free again, but I couldn't. The ropes were strong.
"Why did you do this?!" I asked again.
"Awww," she said sweetly, "because you're mine." She walked towards me and lifted my chin to meet her gaze.
I glared at her.
"I'm not yours anymore!" I shouted.
That only got me slap across the face.
"What about my family and Jack?
Did you do anything to them?"
"Nope. But I took you far away, somewhere
they'd never think to look." She smiled wickedly.
I looked around my surroundings again and then gasped when I realized where I was.

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