Chapter 36

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A/N: it's still Monday so it's technically not late and I'm keeping to what I said yesterday 😝

Jack's POV

Up in the air I spun in a few circles and inhaled the cold night air. It's good to be up here again.
The wind blew hard, tumbling me into a nearby tree.
"Hey wind, did you miss me?" I laughed then cleared my throat. "take me to Pitch."

The wind howled in response and rustled the leaves below. I was flown from the Haddock's roof to the old storage building.
"He's here? I thought he would've been further.
I flew to a branch and tried peaking in through a window. It was pitch dark inside though. I couldn't see anything.
"My, my, if it isn't Mr. Frost?" I heard that soft deep voice from below me that I had hoped I'd never have to hear again. I looked down to see Pitch Black smirking back up at me.
"C'mon down."
I flew down and glared at him.
"Why are you here?" I growled
"I should ask the same for you. Sneaking around."
"I need you to leave the area and never bother that boy ever again."
"Oh, you mean Hiccup?"
I caught my breath. He knows his name. How?!
"Yes, Hiccup! I want you to leave him alone!"
"And... Why would I do that?"
"Because I care about him and his family. I don't want them getting hurt!"
"So it wouldn't matter if you got hurt?"
He grabbed my by the neck and slammed me up against the side of the building. I felt his nails dig into my neck as I gasped for air.
I'm not going to be harassed by this guy anymore! I kicked him in the stomach and I was released, falling to the ground.
"You brat!" He growled
He came at me with a fist but I used the wind to blow me back up to the branch.

I hate this guy! He won't stop! I won't either! Not until I know for sure he's done with. I won't stop, even if it takes me until dawn tomorrow. The moon shown down on me while I thought about to deal with Pitch.

"Hiding are we?" He yells from below.
I broke off a branch and hopped down from the tree. I aimed it at him like some sort of spear.
"A stick?"
It's the best I could do.
I don't know what else to do. I lowered the stick just a bit but he caught me off guard and pulled the stick coward, causing me to come with it. He took me by my sweater and into the dark building.
With a strong throw, he tossed me to the back wall.
I grunted as I hit the wall but stood up to face him. I'm not backing down. Me came at me though, pinning me against the wall.

I'll admit, he's grown to be pretty strong.

"Just like the good ol' days, eh Jack?"
I furred my eyebrows.
"Never!" I spit in his face but all he did was laugh. I can't phase him!
"Once more for old times sake?" With that, he kneed me in my crotch and I crumpled to the ground. While I was balled up on the floor he pinned me to cold ground and straddled me.
Just like when I was younger.
I remember struggling under his strength as he rubbed against me. It's happening again!
Shit! It feels so good though but the old person I want to do this with is Hiccup!

(A/N: I'll leave this rape scene up to your imagination but in the end Jack gets raped by Pitch 😁)

My screams were so loud, my voice was getting hoarse. He was plunging himself into me so hard and fast that I thought he was going to break me.
It hurts like hell. He's much bigger than my cute brunette.
Just then I hear sirens in the distance. Pitch pays no attention to them though. He just pounds harder into my ass.
"No! Ah! Stop!" I yell as he hits my prostate.
He smirks and hits it about 10 times before I squirt my juices.
Seeing my orgasmic face he too reaches his release.

Just then, police barge into the building. I see Pitch turn around in anger as he pulls out of me. God I hurt so much! Paramedics race to my side and immediately start asking me a bunch of questions. I answer them cooperatively and the law enforcement take Pitch away.
I groan in pain as the paramedics poke and prod down there. They ask for a number to call and Valka is the one who answers.
She of course is shocked about the news and wakes Hiccup and Stoick.
The paramedics say they're taking me o the hospital and can see me later in the morning.

Right now it's about 3:00am and I'm sitting in a dark room in a hospital, bored out of my mind. The doctors say I'm fine and can return home today.
I haven't heard anything about Pitch but I'm sure he'll be on the news at 6 am.
I close my eye and think of my boyfriend.
Hiccup must be so worried.

A/N: ok so it's sorta crappy but the next one will have Hijack fluff 🤗 yay!

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