Chapter 29

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Hiccup's POV

I looked around my surroundings again and then gasped when I realized where I was.

There's only one place in the town could have this many boxes.
I'm at the storage building by the edge of town.
I've gotta get out of here. My family is probably worried sick. I struggle to get loose once again.

"Why did you do this?!"
"Awww," she said sweetly, "because you're mine."

"Astrid! Untie me right now!"
She hovered above me, "no, not quite yet. There's something I want to do first."
I looked at her quizzically. Astrid forcefully lifted up my chin so I was looking at her.
I glared at her but all she did was grin back a wicked grin.
"Come back to me" she said.
Before I had time to react to what she had said her lips were on mine.
I didn't kiss back.
Once she realized I wasn't going to kiss her back, she broke away and slapped me across the face. Obviously ticked off, she stood up and walked out of the storage building.
"Astrid! Wait! Let me go!"


Just then he door opened again.
"Astrid! Untie me!"
But it wasn't Astrid who walked in.

Jack's POV

I shifted from sleeping on my left side to my right and reached my arm out to wrap around my boyfriend. To my surprise, when I stretched my arm out, all I felt was an empty bed.
I cracked my sleepy eyes open, to find it true that he, indeed, wasn't there. I looked towards the bathroom door and it was open, signaling he wasn't in there either.
"Hiccup?" I say softly. I rub my eyes and rub my fingers through my short white hair.
I reach over to Hiccup's side of the bed. It was cold, so he has been gone for a while. I get out of bed, and go into his closet, not there. I walk downstairs and search there.
On the kitchen counter I find his note.

"6:30am - Went to the store. Hiccup"

I looked at the clock.

8 am.

It's been one hour and a half. He should've been back by now. I shove the note in my pocket and then scratch another one on the notepad.

"We went out, be back later"

I wrote it that way so Mr. And Mrs. Haddock won't worry.

I opened the front door and started walking in the direction of the store.

A/N: I'm so proud of myself for getting so far with this. I've come a long way (if you can tell) from writing super short chapters to longer ones like these last few ones.
Thanks for all the support!

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