Chapter 34

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A/N: this chapter is wicked long, BUT I put a lot of effort into writing Jack's back story.
⚠️Warning: there's an... interesting... scene here that night not be appropriate for some children⚠️

Pfft I sounded like an infomercial 😂 but seriously though, just warning ya
But I've you've read up to here in the story you know how I write dirty scenes so it's nothing that bad.

Now to the story ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Jack's POV

"Until I was 6 years old, I lived happily with my mom and dad. I even had a younger sister, she was 2. Then one day she became ill and passed from a sickness going around my town. Me and my family were still coping when my father got the same sickness one year after my sister died. He too passed away and then it was just me and my mom. My mom shut herself away from me and stayed in her room for about 6 months.

One day when I was 8 I was out and about.  I learned to be independent at an early age. Anyways, I was looking around a toy store and saw this magnificent green train. Then this tall man with pale skin and a black cloak came over to me.
He said: "hello little boy." I looked up at him to acknowledge him, then looked back at my train.
"How old are you cutie? What's your name?"
"Jack and I'm 8"
"My name is Pitch. Pitch Black. Why are you here alone? are your parents around?"
"No, my dad died two years ago and my mom is..." I trailed off and instead pulled out a picture of me, my mom, dad, and sister. "This was my family 2 1/2 years ago" I covered up my dad and sister, "and now it's just us"

At that time I really didn't know much better to show some guy, rather talk to some guy that I didn't know.
He seemed nice, I thought so when he offered to walk me back home to make sure I was safe, I thought it was no big deal.

I opened to red door to my house and yelled to my mom.
"Mom! I'm home!"

My mother came to the top of the stairs and gasped. Rushed down the stairs, grabbed me ran to the kitchen. She put me down in a corner, hiding me. Though I couldn't see anything I knew she grabbed a knife from the drawer by the stove.

there was a silence until I heard Mr. Black speak. He said, "hello miss." I peaked my head over the counter to see him kissing my moms hand. Something came over me and I ran towards my mom, taking her hand away from the Pitch guy.

For about the next couple months my mom and Pitch started hanging out more and more. I knew dad was slowly getting replaced by this guy and I didn't like it that much.
"How could mom just forget?"
I sat in my room thinking about that question as I heard moans coming from across the hallway. That very same year, Pitch became my mother's fiancé and they got married the next year in spring.
By that time I was almost 10
Pitch wasn't too bad. I became used to having him around the house after the first month. He got my mom a job, not high paying but a job as a filer for some company. I'm thankful for that...

Then my thoughts about him completely changed.  "


Hiccup, as well as Valka and Stoick listened closely to Jack's story.

This must be hard for him to retell this story. Hiccup thought.
"Jack? Are you ok to go on?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I want to tell you guys."
The three of the nodded and let Jack continue.

~ Jack's POV again ~

"Anyways, one day a couple years
after my mom and Pitch got married, while my mom was at work, it was just me and Pitch at home. I was in the kitchen when I accidentally dropped a glass plate. There were shards everywhere. Luckily I was hurt.
Pitch came  sauntering in stumbling into the doorframe.
"Wha wa at?" He slurred. I wasn't that old but I was old enough to know he had been drinking. By 13 I knew about these things. And.. I've seen my mom drunk before. It was right after dad died.
"I broke a plate" I mumbled and lowered my head in shame, afraid he would yell at me. He grabbed a broom from the hall closet and swept the shard to a side so I could walk through to him.
"Thanks." I said and was about to go off when he grabbed my wrist.
"Uh uh uh, for breaking a very expensive plate. You have to be punished."
I gulped. "What?"
He slung me over his shoulder and walked up stairs.
"Put me down!"
That he did, but he threw me on to the guest bed at the end of the hallway.
He climbed on top of me and then began to take off his clothes.
"Pitch! Wait! You're drunk! Stop!" I squirmed under him but he was too big and I was too small to escape.
"I'm noooot drunk! Now shut up!" He slapped me across the cheek and I immediately felt a stinging pain.
He pinned my arms above my head with one hand and proceeded to scoop a hand under my shirt and up to my soft bud.
He lifted my shirt up exposing my stomach and chest. I tried to worm my way out of this situation but he was just too strong.
I remember distinctively his cold hand against my chest.

I shivered slightly, causing Hiccup to place his other hand on my hand and give me a worried glance. I mouthed it's ok and continued.

I hated it but my body loved it. I hadn't been touched before so every new touch felt strange yet wonderful.
Pitch grinned and took out his hard. He grabbed me by my hair and brought my face to his crotch.
I stared at his length and then up at him.
"Suck I said!" He forcefully reached down and stuck a finger in my ass. The pain was excruciating, causing me to groan. He took the opportunity to let himself enter my mouth. My ass hurt as he pumped in and out with his finger, adding more and more until he got up to 3 fingers. It hurt so much. I groaned and choked as I was being sexually harassed. I felt his hard twitch in my mouth. Then I tasted this weird substance, it was warm and tasted discussing. Not knowing what else to do with it, I spit it out.. All over him.
Not pleased with this action Pitch growled and flipped me into my stomach. I turned my head around, just in time to see him sliding himself into me.
I screamed in pain. He was so much bigger than his slim fingers.
He began moving in and out of me, again and again, harder and harder, faster and faster. After a while I adjusted to the pain and size of him. I could hear him grunting as he pushed deeper into me.
I hated it so much but my body was telling my brain otherwise. My body was turned on. I had my own hard on.
"P-pitch!" I gasped as he hit my prostate.
He must've know he hit my sweet spot because he then began pounding on it.
"N-n-no! Ahhhh!! P-pitch something's wrong! I feel like I'm going to pee! Ahhhh! S-stop!"
My begging him to stop only made him plunge deeper into me.
He grabbed onto my crotch and pumped it fast and hard.
"Ahhhh! Stoooop! Something's coming out!" I felt myself twitch and then something burst out from my dick. At the same time, Pitch's hard grew in size then he filled me up with a warm liquid. He removed himself from me, and I felt the warm liquid ooze out from me.
Both out of breath, him and I lay on the bed. Once I regained a steady breathing pattern. I got up and looked at my step-father, passed out. I got up from the bed, took my clothes, and went into my room.
I sat on my own bed, still trying to figure out what just happened to me.

A couple hours later, Pitched opened my bedroom door.
"Speak of that little incident to your mom and it will be worse next time."
He closed the door and walked away.

When my mom got home, I wanted to go greet her, but I couldn't, I was sore all around my opening that had been stretched open. I just pretend to be asleep when she knocked on my door.
I better keep my mouth shut.

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