Chapter 7

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Hiccup turned surprised that his friend was suddenly awake and gripping his shirt. "Are you ok?" Hiccup asked as he sat back down. "I had an awful dream" Jack explains sniffling, "that you died and t-that I had to live w-without you." He hugged Hiccup and buried his face into his green shirt.  "Aww, don't worry, I don't plan on dying anytime soon." Hiccup says comforting his friend by rubbing his back. After a little while Jack sat up and sniffled. "Thanks," he smiled and both friends looked into each other's eyes. Jack bite his bottom lip then leaned toward Hiccup, closing his eyes. Their lips touched and after a couple seconds they parted. Jack blushed instantly, "I-I'm sorry" he said and covered his face with his eyes. Hiccup was blushing and staring at his friend. "N-no i- it's alright" he stuttered and reached to uncover Jack's red face. "I- I didn't mind that much."
Jack took his hands off his face and smiled shyly. "R-really?"
"Yeah," Hiccup replied and gently kisses his friends cheek. "I need to use the bathroom now," he smiles and runs out of the room. Jack is left sitting in the small couch blushing like an idiot. "Oh gods that ~ wow ~ I can't believe I actually ~ I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship" Jack worried to himself. Hiccup came back into the room and sat down next to him. "I smelt a wonderful aroma coming from downstairs when I was walking back here, I say we should go check it out!" He suggests excitedly. Without thinking, Hiccup grabs Jack's hand rushes out of the room, dragging him behind him.

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