Chapter 26

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🔆 WARNING!! Smut scene chapter! You've been warned🔆

The snowy haired male smirked at his brunette.
"Looks like I lost."
Hiccup's eyes still wide, swallowed nervously. Punished? What did that mean?
"I warned you, now you must be punished." Jack took Hiccup by the wrist and led him to the bedroom. (Hiccup's bedroom to be exact, he had the bigger bed.)

Stumbling behind his boyfriend, Hiccup was dragged up the stairs. Jack pushed Hiccup inside and slammed the door, then pushing Hiccup against it. The two males lips crashed together, Jack being quite forceful.
Jack pulled away, breathing heavily.
"What's gotten into you?" Hiccup asked breathlessly.

"I told you, you were to be punished if you made me loose." Jack pressed his lips against his boyfriends once more, this time a little gentler.
Hiccup wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck and ran his fingers through the snow white hair, moaning softly into the kiss.
Jack pushed one of his legs against Hiccup's crotch, receiving a moan in response, telling him that he was doing a good job of seducing his lover.
Hiccup, totally melting into Jack's touch, took Jack's hand and placed it on his crotch. Jack was surprised at first but took this opportunity Hiccup was giving him.

Jack's POV

My hand was taken and placed down on his crotch. I was surprised at first. Hiccup usually isn't like this to want me to touch him. Eh what the heck? I'm going for it if he wants me to do this!
I run my hand up and down, around his manhood.
Our lips are still locked as I feel him begin to harden. I squeeze lightly, causing my lovely uke to gasp. I take this moment and insert my tongue into the wet cavity. I roll my tongue along his teeth and gums before tongue battling.
My heart is racing and I too am beginning to harden. Hiccup's moans are just so cute and sexy. I start to kiss down his neck, collar bone, and back up, receiving positive reactions. I put my hand under his shirt and find one of my brunettes raised buds. I pinch it softly and I feel Hiccup's crotch push against my own.
I can't take much more!
"J- J- Jack!" Hiccup mutters.

That did it.

I took off his shirt and pants and threw them aside, the proceeded to remove mine as well.  I looked up at him as I knelt in front of his crotch, clearly hard behind the cloth of his boxers. His face was as red as a tomato.

I placed my mouth over the fabric, on his hard. He moaned and gripped my hair.
I removed his boxers and his hard whipped up, almost hitting his stomach.
So big.
My eyes widened and I looked up at him again. His beautiful brown eyes were closed and his chest was heaving up and down. I stuck my tongue out and licked his head, tasting a bit of pre-cum.
"Are you alright?" I asked him.
He nodded. With this response I took him all in my mouth. He groaned in pleasure and moved my head with his hand up and down his long.

Hiccup's POV

His teasing was killing me. I needed him! I took his head and pumped him on me.
"Ahhh!" I moaned, (but not too loudly. My parents are in the house)
I moved his head faster and faster. My heartbeat increased as I was reaching my climax.
"J- Jack! I'm gonna~ mmm~ ahhhh!"
The next thing I knew, a sticky substance was shooting from me and into and into my snowflake's mouth and face.
When I was finished, I looked down at Jack. He was panting heavily, (but so was I). Weak after cumming, my knees buckled and I crumpled to the floor next to my boyfriend. I smiled at him as he smirked back.
"Now it's my turn." He smirked, picking my up and carrying me to my bed.

A/N: tehe this was a little embarrassing to write because I've only written smut maybe 1 or 2 times before. I'm still kinda new to it 🔆 How as it?

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