Chapter 2

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The white haired boy locked eyes with Hiccup, not saying anything. Hiccup opened his mouth to say something, but before any sound came out the boy took off running.
"Wait!" Hiccup called after him. He chased this mysterious boy through the forest for a while before the boy finally stopped running and turned around.
"My name is Jackson Frost," The boy said, "Call me Jack though." He walked over and held out his hand for a handshake. Hiccup shook it and then spoke his name.
"My name is Hiccup, are you new? I haven't seen you around before."
"Uhh.. It's a secret."
Strange, Hiccup thought, but since it was a secret he decided to respect it.
"Ok, so where do you live?"
"That's  secret too."
This Jack boy was very secretive.
Hiccup didn't know what else to say so he stayed silent. Jack's eyes widened stomach growled. He then took off through the woods. Hiccup decided not to follow this time. Instead, he went back to the cove to find Toothless, then go home.
The next day around the same time. Hiccup goes out to find Jack. This time he brings a fish sandwich for him to eat. He looked really skinny. Even if he just met this boy he cares if he's eating or not. Hiccup is a caring person.

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