Chapter 33

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Jack's POV

I swear, I'm going to get that Pitch Black.
As I walk down the street with my precious boyfriend in my arms, I can think of nothing less than beating the shit out of Pitch.
That man has messed with me enough times, he can mess with me again but he better stay away from my love and his family.
My face softens from my scowl as I look down at my sleeping brunette.
"I'm so glad you alright" I whisper and squeeze him a little bit closer to me.

Then a thought occurred to me.
What are Hiccup's parents going to think?!
I started to panic, stopping dead in my tracks. I decided to go to the park and think this through. I need some time to think.

~short time skip to the park~

I sat down on the grass by a tree and lay Hiccup's head in my lap. He nestled close to me. He's so cute. I could feel my cheeks turn red as I pet Hiccup's hair softly.

Ok now I need to think. I should just tell them the truth. I bit my lip. Thinking about how scared and worried they'll become when I tell them. It's the right think to do. I've gotta be truthful. That's one of the things Hiccup taught me when we first met. Always be truthful. I lay my head against the trunk of the tree.

~ time skip the the front porch of the Haddock residence ~

Hiccup was now awake and standing next to Jack. Hiccup was feeling a bit better but still quite sore. They opened the door and there, sitting at the table was Valka and Stoick, sipping coffee like usual.
"Hello boys" Valka said with a smile, "I saw your note, where'd you go?"
The two boys looked at each other and both walked to the table.
Right away, Valka knew something was wrong by the solemn looks on their faces.
"What happened?" She asked with a little bit of worry in her voice.
"Well," Hiccup began, "I went out alone to buy some fruit for pancakes this morning except..."
Both boys told the story and when it A's over Valka had her arms around her son. Stoick sat there with an angered look on his face.
"I'll go after Pitch Black" Jack said
The three Haddocks looked at him with the same expressions, reading "what are you crazy?!"
"I've dealt with this guy before. I'll deal with him again. I'll make sure he doesn't come near any of you." The determination in Jack's voice scared Hiccup. He didn't want his snow-angel to leave him. He hugged his boyfriend. "Please don't leave me."
"I won't, I won't ever leave you. But I'm going after Pitch."

"Now now just hold on a minute!" Stoick thundered. "I think the only correct thing to do right now is call the police and report this man."

Jack looked at Stoick. "I'm afraid that won't work sir. He's probably already disappeared."
"Disappeared?" Valka asked
"Yeah. Well, I've know Pitch for as long as I can remember.."

Jack's POV

"Yeah. Well, I've know Pitch for as long as I can remember.."
I am about to tell them pretty much my entire back story. I took a deep breath and began my story.

A/N: since this isn't that long, I'm planning on updating to chapter 34 later today, we'll see how that goes though

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