Chapter 24

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After many hours of hard work, Jack's room was completed. The two boys stood in the doorway to get the full affect.
"Looks good!" Hiccup held his head high and put his hands on his hips.
"Thank you darling."
Hiccup blushed at the sound of being called darling by his lover.
Jack wrapped his arm around the small brunette and kissed him sweetly.
"Thank you."

A little while later Jack and Hiccup were just finishing a late lunch.
"It's one o'clock," said Valka, "what are you boys going to do now?"
The boys exchanged glances and grinned.
"We're going to take a walk around outside." Hiccup said and cleared his and his boyfriend's plate.
Jack stood up and pulled on his trusty blue sweater with a frost pattern. Hiccup followed his lead and put on a brown fur vest.
"Be back by sunset. I'm making lasagna with all the fixings for dinner and need all the help I can get."
Hiccup nodded and walked out the door followed by Jack. Once the door was closed the two boys races into the forest towards their very special place.

The place where they first met.

Running through the forest. Avoiding running into trees and tripping over roots, they made it to the cove writhing 5 minutes, a usual 15 minute walk.
Out of breath, Hiccup collapsed trying to catch his breath. Jack put his hands on his knees and said, "you should catch your breath before collapsing."
Hiccup smirked and pulled down The white haired boy next to him.
After a while their breathing steadied and they lay there side by side.
"This is nice." Jack smiled and watched the clouds.
Jack closed his eyes and inhaled fresh air.
"I love you," he said
"I love you too," Hiccup replied and put his hand in his boyfriend's.
For a while, they lay there. Hiccup had fallen asleep on Jack's outstretched arm. Jack on the other hand had stayed awake watching his cute little brunette curled up. "I guess today really tired him out," he thought.
Hiccup squirmed in his sleep and squeezed his eyes tighter.

HICCUP'S POV (in his dream)

"Another day of school" I thought to myself as I walked into the school building.
Jack was walking next to me with his hand in mine. He squeezed my hand and I looked up at him. He smiled down and pecked a kiss on my lips. I felt my face blush red as I turned away in embarrassment.
The bell rang and Jack and I parted ways.
"See you later babe," he smiled and waved.
"See you later," I waved back. He turned a corner and I walked to class. Rather slower than usually because the bully Snotlout was in that class.
I walked into class and took my seat.
Snotlout, some odd reason sat right next to me.
"Just great," I thought.
"I saw you and Jack today."
"Yeah so," basically everyone knows him and I are dating and no one really object to it, except Snotlout and a select few others.
"What makes you attracted to such a stupid guy like him?" He snarled
"Keep cool" I say to myself again.
"He's not stupid, unlike someone I know who's name rhymes with pout-trout" I retort. I'm usually not one to be mean but he's insulting my boyfriend.
The next thing I know I was in a fist fight with someone who was much larger and stronger than I. I was thrown into a cabinet and a few books fell.
"Common weakling!" Snotlout sneered.
My blood was boiling for the guy that insulated my love. I ran at him with all my might but ended up with a large fist to my stomach.

~ end of dream ~

3rd person POV

"Hiccup! Wake up!" Jack shook his boyfriend awake.
Hiccup's eyes widened and threw a punch in the air.
Jack dodged it and took Hiccup by the shoulders.
Hiccup came to his senses and looked around frantically. He wrapped his arms around Jack's body. "You're not stupid."
Jack, a little confused, hugged back.
"Right.. Hiccup what were you dreaming about?

Ta-da! Here it is! The update has arrived! Whoop whoop! 🙌🏼😂

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