Chapter 22

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After they arrived home from IKEA they unloaded the merchandise they bought and put it in Jack's room.

"We'll leave you two to set up the room the way you want to." Valka smiles as she and Stoick leave the room.
"Thank you again," Jack says from probably the hundredth time.

The door closes, leaving Hiccup and Jack standing alone in the almost empty room.

The room was a soft blue color with two windows. The closet is small and the bathroom is just across the hall. Jack looks around his new room.

"Well what should we start with?" Hiccup chants walking over to the window. He stares out of it admiring the sunset.

Jack smiles from across the room as his boyfriend is lit up by the setting sun. He walks over to Hiccup and hugs him from behind.
"Thank you," he whispers into His lovers ear.

Hiccup could feel his face heat up. Not wanting Jack to see, he keeps his gaze at the red sky.
"Hiccup?" Jack asks
Jack turns Hiccup's head with his finger to plant a kiss on his boyfriend's sweet lips.
Surprised by this action, Hiccup's eyes widen. Although within a couple seconds Hiccup melts into Jack's kiss.
When their lips part Hiccup is pulled into a tight hug.
"Jack are you alright?" Hiccup asks, as he hears sniffles coming from above.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, really happy. I'm super happy, I'm grateful. I have you, Valka, Stoick, and even Toothless to love and care for me." Jack squeezes Hiccup tighter to show his affection, and Hiccup responds with a just as equal, tight squeeze.

"Maybe we can start working on your room tomorrow." Hiccup suggests, "it's pretty late. Shopping around IKEA actually made me pretty tired." He chuckles and ruffles he's fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, you're right, we can start after breakfast, but my bed frame isn't even set up..." Jack trails off then looks to the chocolate haired boy.
Smiling, Hiccup suggests, "well I guess the only place you have is my bed."

A/N: sorry it's so short guys! I just need a fuller to get it the next chapter! The next chapter will be longer and better I promise! 💕 thanks for 100 votes too! I love you all 💕🔆 thank you 😜

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