Chapter 42

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🔆🔆🔆 at the end of this PLEASE read my note!!! Idk if you guys read the author notes or not but THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT!! 🔆🔆🔆


Matty's POV

"I'll tell you two. But swear on your life.. And mine.. That you won't tell anyone.
I saw Hiccup and Jack share glances then nod.

"Well I had a sister. Her name was Emma, she died in a car accident 3 years ago. My father died from cancer that next year after Emma died. It was a rough 2 years. My mom married 6 months later to an awful man and he abused me."

I pulled up my shirt to reveal a large scar down my side. They gasped but I continued.

"I ran away after my mother died from an accident."
I used my fingers to air quote accident. I saw him push my mother down the stairs of our house. They were fighting before it happened and I was looking under my door. I saw him step towards her and then she screamed. Then silence."

I was silent after that, trying to calm myself and keep myself from crying. I could feel that tight knot form in my throat and my eyes begin to water.

"Matty." I heard a gentle voice chant before I felt two sets of arms around me.
That did it for me. I couldn't help but break down in tears. Jack's cold, yet soothing hands rub my back and I slump into Hiccup's lap.
After a little while I'm all cried out.
I wipe my tears and blow my nose in a tissue.
"Do you wanna hear the rest of the story?" I asked.
"If it's too hard Matty, you don't have to continue." Hiccup said.
"I want to. It feels good to get it off my chest and out of my head."
They two lovers next to me nodded.

"I ran away as soon as the investigation of my mother's death ended. I stole some money and bought new clothes to get rid of my scent and headed north. I took a bus to Burgess then got a taxi here to Berk. I've been here for a while, sorta lost count. Lately I've been staying with this nice old couple by the names of Mr. And Mrs. Heiwou. Before that I stayed with a woman named Judy Jeorgenson. She has a son named~"
"Snotlout" the three of us said together.
Puzzled, I looked at them.
"Snotlout Jeorgenson," Hiccup groaned, "he didn't do anything to you did he?"
"Ummm no, he was really nice!"
The brunette looked startled. "Snotlout being nice? That's a nice joke."
"He was though, we hung out a lot, until I left one day."
"Ok, sorry for interrupting. You can continue." He apologized.

"One day, not to long ago, I was taking a walk in the early morning and then that's when I heard your shouts..."
I ended the story there because I didn't want him to relieve anything.

Jack took me in his arms. "Thank you so much again." Even though I'm 14 and he's probably 16 or 17 I let him. I'm small anyways and could easily fit in his large arms.
"No problem. I'm happy I could help such a nice guy." I saw him blush slightly and I heard Hiccup giggle.
Soon we all started laughing over I don't even remember.

After I told the two boys I felt much better and honestly happier too.
I didn't want to invite myself over but I asked if I could stay another night or two.
Hiccup smiled and nodded energetically.
"Stay for as long as you like."
"Thank you!" I smiled and hugged both of them, right here kneeling on the floor.
Warm arms wrapped around me and a sweet smell that I've missed.



Yes this is the last chapter BUT I'm already starting to plan a sequel.
The sequel will be mostly be based around Matty. But every character will still be in the sequel.

I will probably start writing the sequel in a week or two!


This was my first ever wicked long actually story and it would be most helpful to have some feed back!

I love you all and thank you sooooo much for reading!

Alex out ✌🏼️💕

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