Chapter 32

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Pitch turns around angrily and snarls, "what the hell?! Get the hell ou-" he doesn't have time to finish before he is knocked unconscious by no one other than..


Hiccup's POV

Astrid has just punched out a male probably 2 times taller and stronger than her. I know she's strong because when we were dating she'd often punch any girl that laid eyes on me. That's one reason why I left her.

"What the fuck Pitch?" She mumbled, "I just wanted you to teach him a lesson, not to rape him." She then turned her head towards me. I had heard everything she just mumbled and I could sense that she knew I was frightened.
"Why Astrid? Why?"
She places her hands on her hips and sighed.
"I want you back. That's why."

It was quiet, the only sound was an occasional passing car and nature. Then there was an unusual sound, it was a thumping sound, like someone.. Running! Toward here!
I took this opportunity to yell for help.
"Help! Hey! In here! Help!"

Jack's POV

I was hiding behind a tree by the old storage place at the edge of town. I had followed the blond all the at here. It's been about 10 minutes since she went in. During this time I was formulating a plan. If she kidnapped Hiccup, and he's in there, I am to run in there and find him ASAP. I need a weapon. I looked around and picked up the first thing I saw.
A stick.
Ok no the best thing.
I felt around in my pockets for my pocket knife. I took that out and sharpened an end of the stick.
It will have to do.

I began running towards the door.

"Help! Hey! In here! Help!"

That's Hiccup's voice! I began running faster and burst through the door of the storage building.

There on the floor, was Hiccup.
I froze in place though, dropping the stick in my hand to the floor. It wasn't Astrid figure, standing over Hiccup's naked body, that frightened me.

It was Pitch's

"Jack!" Hiccup cried. He attempted to get up but failed, falling to the ground.
I ran to his side, right past Astrid, and picked him up to rest on my lap.
"What's wrong? What's hurt? What did that bastard Pitch do?" I looked over to Pitch's unconscious body. His pants were half way down. I caught my breath and looked at Hiccup.
"Did he...?"
He nodded weakly. I hugged Hiccup closely to me.

Without another word, I took Hiccup's pants, helped him into them, and picked him up bridal style. Silently I walked out of the storage building, leaving a speechless blond, and a horrible, horrible, man.

"It's ok now Hiccup. We're going home now, "I whispered to him as his eyes slowly closed, "I won't let a thing happen to you." He nodded and smiled weakly, then falling asleep.

As I walked away, I looked straight ahead of me, thinking:

"Pitch Black. I thought I had gotten rid of you. I hoped I would never run into you ever again. Turns out I was wrong.
If you ever harm my boyfriend again.
I swear you won't live to see another day of your life."

A/N: I really think I'm getting better at writing! I'm so happy with myself!

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